Windows 10 settings for scroll bars

I don't know about anyone else, but I hate to have to find and grab the scroll bar when altering any of the (many) Windows settings.

So I just go to Ease of Access.. Display.. and untick ''Automatically hide scroll bars in Windows''

I find things easier with it showing :)

Good advice, thanks

yep, only discovered that one last week (think it's actually a new 'feature' with 1803) and have added it to my batch file ABC (Awesome Batch Controller) that gets run on all new machines to tweak a shite load of MS settings.

On 7/20/2018 at 17:38, mta said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		think it's actually a new 'feature' with 1803

It is, it didn't exist in 1703.

One feature gained and another taken away; On my brand new laptop 1803 broke or took away the ability to get S.M.A.R.T. status on my SSD and external hard disk as well as the disk temperature which pisses me off.

Edit: The issues I explained were fixed by uninstalling 1803, and then it automatically reinstalled about 2 weeks later without noticeable issues.