Normally dwm.exe consumes ~70 MB RAM on my machine.
Using CCleaner "Custom Cleaning" and rebooting, dwm.exe RAM usage may jump quite quickly to 2 GB. - This is consistent.
Any idea what cleaning entries I should uncheck?
Thank you.
Normally dwm.exe consumes ~70 MB RAM on my machine.
Using CCleaner "Custom Cleaning" and rebooting, dwm.exe RAM usage may jump quite quickly to 2 GB. - This is consistent.
Any idea what cleaning entries I should uncheck?
Thank you.
I can't really imagine CCleaner having any effect on this by deleting simple temporary files.
Does your PC have an Intel graphics chipset? There has been a known problem with this for months:
Thanks for replying. I appreciate it.
Yes, I do have Intel UHD 630.
It's hard for me to accept CCleaner is the cause, but I've tested it many times: rebooting without using CCleaner (before shutting down), dwm.exe consumes ~70 MB.
I don't know if this is related or not:
It takes CCleaner ~ 5 seconds to fully load the content.
- The main interface loads instantly, and then I get the throbber for some seconds.
Does the desktop manager RAM usage stay at 2GB, or does it drop down again after a while?
I'm thinking that it could be temporararily running higher while rebuilding thumbnails, icons, shortcuts, etc.?
I never wait to see if it drops down. I just reboot.
But, again, it only happens after using CCleaner.
Thank you.
Quote<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> I never wait to see if it drops down. </p> </div>
I'd give it a minute or two to see if it does drop again.
What I am thinking is that if CCleaner is cleaning/deleting something as mentioned above then dwm will have to rebuild it again, once it's done that dwm's RAM usage should drop again.
Can you screenshot what you have ticked/unticked for 'Windows Explorer', 'System', and 'Advanced' in Custom Clean?
eg. these are my usual settings:
Thanks again.
There are a few things different.
Give it a try with my settings and see how it goes for you.
I'll try testing your settings when I get back home to see if I can spot anything obvious.
PS. Is there anything Windows/Desktop related in your custom includes?
the slow load is usually caused by a large winapp2 are you using this ini file
I've tested it with different settings as you've suggested.
While doing that - It occured to me that the culprit was indeed Intel UHD 630, and that there's a difference between a reboot (after a complete shut down) and a restart.
- I usually run CCleaner before a complete shut down, and on reboot dwm.exe RAM usage is high. I then restart and dwm.exe is "stable".
I've now tried a a complete shut down without running CCleaner and got an "unstable" dwm.exe after rebooting.
Does that make any sense?
Thank you.
I'm using the portable version, and I don't have a winapp2 file in the installation folder.
Any other idea?
Thank you.
50 minutes ago, Yaron said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> ... there's a difference between a reboot (after a complete shut down) and a restart. </p> <p> - I usually run CCleaner before a complete shut down, and on reboot dwm.exe RAM usage is high. I then <strong>restart </strong>and dwm.exe is "stable". </p> <p> I've now tried a a complete shut down without running CCleaner and got an "unstable" dwm.exe after rebooting. </p> <p> Does that make any sense? </p> </div>
Yes it makes complete sense.
Although it is counterintuitive if you are used to older Windows versions, with Windows 10 a Restart actually resets your system more thoroughly than a Shutdown/Reboot does.
In other words, when it comes to Win 10, a "Complete Shutdown" is not as complete as you may think it is, and it's not as complete as a Restart.
It gets a bit technical but a Shutdown with Win 10 actually hibernates the Windows Kernel to disc and restores it on Reboot.
A Restart doesn't hibernate the Kernel and so Windows starts completely afresh.
See this article, but be aware that even though lots of articles talk about turning off 'Fast Startup' Win 10 will still hibernate the Kernel with Fast Startup turned off - it just doesn't hibernate as much as it does with Fast Startup turned on. (But turning off Fast Startup is always a good step).
So whatever is causing your dwm.exe to use excess RAM is not being cleared by a Shudown/Reboot but it is being cleared by a restart, which is what you report.
Which suggests that the problem is with something Windows related rather than CCleaner, and so I'd say that the prime suspect has to be that Intel bug.
I'm indeed new to Win 10.
Well, this was one of the clearest and most helpful replies I've ever received on any forum! ?
Thank you so much.
Are you active on any general Windows 10 forum? :)
12 hours ago, Yaron said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> Are you active on any general Windows 10 forum? <span>:)</span> </p> </div>
Not realy; here, a disability forum, and a landlord/tenant forum are where I am most active, less so on the Malwarebytes forum, and I also mod on a CAD forum.
Google my username, it's no secret, and you'll find them.
Nearest to 'general' would probably be the BleepingComputer forum, but I'm a minor contibutor there.
This last reply was also detailed and clear. :)
Thank you.
As I've written, I'm new to Win 10.
If you feel like it and have some free time.