Windows 10 - CCleaner 5.11.5408 - System Hangs while deleting 'System' Temporary Files

This was a problem under the previous version and continues to be a problem.

I checked the Event Viewer and I don’t see anything specific to CCleaner coming up.

I gave CCleaner admin permissions using properties\ permissions, but it still hangs.

Windows 10 will eventually report that CCleaner is ‘not responding’ and everything hangs while CCleaner is in memory.

Can’t access Task Manager, can’t re-boot nothing works.

Only way to recover is a hard shutdown.

What does CC say it is up to when it stops responding?

Under the green progress bar, next to the spinning circle will be the stage it is currently cleaning.

Have you tried running CC with the PC in Safe Mode, this would eliminate the possibility of some background task (like your AV) interfering with CC.

What antivirus software? And have you set it to trust ccleaner?

What antivirus software? And have you set it to trust ccleaner?

Running BitDefender for the past 6 months. Had it running with previous versions of CCleaner without incident.

There is no folder to allow CC as a trusted .exe that I can see.

Appears to halt on ' Users\UserID\AppData\Local\Temp\1DEDDA4E-DC67-47F9-A766-63CFF15F988F\api-ms-win-core-errorhandling-l1-1-1.dll '

When this occurs, while CC appears to be 'clocking' the entire system is unresponsive.

Can you manually delete the file?

Can you manually delete the file?

Yes, but it also stores files related to BitDefender and these cannot be deleted.

I removed everything manually except the BD files.

Well there you go, you have your answer, bitdefender is preventing its removal. Run analysis in ccleaner, then double click temporary system files, find that/those file(s), right click it/them and add to excludes

Well there you go, you have your answer, bitdefender is preventing its removal. Run analysis in ccleaner, then double click temporary system files, find that/those file(s), right click it/them and add to excludes


Followed the steps and CC seems to be running fine now.

Had no idea there were right click 'properties' accessible from within CC to set the excludes.

Learned something new today. :)
