window focus is lost on Run Cleaner

this seems to occur when it has a lot of stuff to clean.

on portable CCleaner v2.12.660

1. run prog

2. alt-R

CCleaner gets rid of temp files


notice that the title bar is shaded.

now one has to click on CCleaner to bring it to the foreground.

just noticed that sometimes the title bar comes back.

I can't replicate this issue. Can you post more details?



my mistake,

it is not the portable CCleaner but a SFX made by bootzilla.

this was the program that I used.

I believe it is to do with the packaging of CCleaner into a SFX.

just tried it today 28 Nov 08.

the title bar goes grey, but then after about 2 secs it comes back.

0. make sure u have lots of files to clean, ie d'load some youtube files or browse net for 15 mins.

1. run CCleaner

2. Alt-R (Run Cleaner)

when the cleaner is in operation the title bar goes grey.

Had the similar issue. This occurs when you schedule CCleaner to run every X minutes/hours. When it fires off the tray gets populated with the ICON and focus is lost from the active window to the tray. About three seconds later after it is done focus is returned back to the active window. Active window being what I was working on before it fired off (word/firefox)..

Vista 64 Bit - CCleaner V2.15.815

(Downloaded from the main website). Will try the latest version and see if something new was fixed on this issue. Not major but bothersome when you are active working..


my mistake,

it is not the portable CCleaner but a SFX made by bootzilla.

this was the program that I used.

I believe it is to do with the packaging of CCleaner into a SFX.

just tried it today 28 Nov 08.

the title bar goes grey, but then after about 2 secs it comes back.

0. make sure u have lots of files to clean, ie d'load some youtube files or browse net for 15 mins.

1. run CCleaner

2. Alt-R (Run Cleaner)

when the cleaner is in operation the title bar goes grey.