winapp2.ini problems

I have installed CCleaner on a new laptop. The install went well. Now I am trying to add some entry's to winapp2 but it does not seem to be working properly. I created a winapp2.ini folder but when I try to paste entry's they don't take properly. I copy the entry from the winapp2 list of entry's here in the forum but when I paste into the winapp2 folder it pastes as one line and does not look like the entry should. Then when I launch CCleaner the app shows up at the end of all the lists not in the appropriate spot. For example, Superantispyware does not show up under utilities like it should. Why is this happening?

The file winapp2.ini goes in the main CCleaner folder with ccleaner.exe.

The file winapp2.ini goes in the main CCleaner folder with ccleaner.exe.

Yes I know that and that is where I put it. Problem is when I try to paste an entry in there it doesn't work right. Here is the entry for Superantispyware,

[sUPERAntiSpyware (Logs)]





I copied this from the winapp2.ini listing in the forum. It copied and pasted no problem here. When I try to paste in the winapp2.ini that I created for CCleaner it doesn't look like this. All 5 lines are put into one long line. Than it doesn't display right when I launch CCleaner.

Maybe try a different text editor program. Or remove what you don't want in the downloaded winapp2.ini.

If you're copying from the Code box on the webpage to Notepad, Notepad won't recognize the line breaks.

You can:

1. Manually enter the breaks using the Enter key.


2. As Andavari suggested, use a text editor which will recognize the breaks.


3. Copy and paste the code to WordPad which will recognize the breaks, then copy from there and paste to Notepad. I'm not sure if the last step is strictly necessary but I was told that WordPad could create problems if you used it directly to edit code.

Let me explain a little clearer what I am doing.

1) I follow these instructions

How to add your own program to CCleaner.

You will need to open Notepad.

Paste this into Notepad:

; Application Cleaning file


; Notes

; ---------------------------------------

; LangSecRef

; 3021 = Applications

; 3022 = Internet

; 3023 = Multimedia

; 3024 = Utilities

; 3025 = Windows

Now Save As, in the CCleaner Folder, Save as type: All Files, now Filename: winapp2.ini, and click on Save. Now you have a blank cleaning .ini file to begin with.

2) Step one works perfectly. Now I go into the listing of programs for winapp2.ini and highlight the one I want and copy to clip board.

3) I than go to the winapp2.ini folder I created in step one and paste the entry from step 2.

When I do this the entry pastes into the winapp2.ini but not as seperate lines but as on long line. Than when I launch CCleaner the program is there but not under the propre area.

I have followed this procedure before and it worked no problem. For some reason when I copy the program to clip board it won't paste properly into winapp2.ini. It pastes every where else no problem.

I understand. I get exactly the same result because, as I said, Notepad won't recognize the line breaks and, since line breaks are part of the code, it won't work.

Simply enter the line breaks manually.

Strange Notepad on my system copying parts of the listed code for winapp2.ini doesn't give me any problems and lists it as seen without any editing. I was thinking it may have been because I have word wrap turned on in it, however disabling it made no difference as it still listed everything perfectly.


One thing I just thought of, I wonder if the browser used could cause some sort of problem. I'm using Firefox, however I do remember in the past copying some stuff from Internet Explorer would be messed up.


One thing I just thought of, I wonder if the browser used could cause some sort of problem. I'm using Firefox, however I do remember in the past copying some stuff from Internet Explorer would be messed up.

That might be it. I'm using IE6.

Yes the browser is the problem. I was using IE7 but when I use Opera and Firefox it works as it should. :D

Thanks guys, I was sick all day yesterday, so I slept. I will add a note about IE7.

Thanks guys, I was sick all day yesterday, so I slept. I will add a note about IE7.

Glenn was using IE6 and had the same problem so I think it's IE period not just IE7.