winapp2.ini not working with vista

Hi, I just want to warn you that the file winapp2.ini is not working with vista. Effectively i can see the program from the file added in the CCleaner program when I launch but when I run CCleaner nothing is deleted. I opened the file and I think it will work only with XP. I give an example for O&O defrag. In the file there is FileKey1=%userprofile%\My Documents\O&O\O&O Defrag\reports|*.*|RECURSE but In vista, your personal folder is "Documents" not "My documents". that's why nothing will be deleted.

Hi hannubys,

Thanks for your Post.It led me to do further investigation into the use of Winapp2.ini at the link listed below.


These entries are not supported by Piriform. These entries have not been tested by the maker of CCleaner. Use these at your own risk, these entries were created and tested by users of the CCleaner Forum. Piriform can not be held responsible for any action that these entries do. If you find a bad entry, please report it to me by Personal Message and I will look into the matter.

Link there and you will see a link to leave a Personal Message to TwistedMetal as regards this problem.

Good Luck,

:) davey