Winapp2.ini Defaul=True/False state not working as it suppose to

I use following command in Winapp2.ini


but when every I open CCleaner I can see in Application tab inside Utilities "MyappName" is checked (Selected)
so please tell me is this a bug or I have to write my custom entries in some other file, although there is no file excepts lots of dll in CCleaner installation folder
Setup folder is empty and Lang include only lots of .dll files that's it
and my Winapp2.ini include the above five lines.
do I need to create some other file and writer different commands? please guide me how to make "MappName" entry unchecked at startup of CCleaner.

You possibly checked it at least once, yes? Check your ccleaner's settings in the registry and delete the myapp entry if it's there. Then open ccleaner and see if it's unchecked

Let me explain more precisely :

My requirement is "I want to delete 'MyappName' Key in the registry which is created due to the installation of some specific application, so when I am uninstalling it this key is not detected by built-in registry cleaner of CCleaner so I am using my custom code through .ini file to delete this key"

As you can see in code "Default = False" which means it should be un-checked in CClaner GUI - Application tab. But instead of that First time when the application is installed and consequently 'MyappName' key is created, it shows checked in the CCleaner GUI - Application Tab.

So every time when I am installing this application I have to go and un-check it from GUI and next time it shows un-checked but that is an extra step which I have to perform every time when I am installing this application and which also means "Default = False" line in the code is not working properly.

The logical reason why I need it as un-checked because I want to avoid if I may accidentally delete the Key when the application is installed (in use) and I have to perform cleaning using CCleaner.

And I don't think that every time after installation you open CCleaner un-check it and close, so I was asking why CCleaner "Default = False" is not working and I believe it is clear cut a Bug.

I think you misunderstood the post from Nergal. If you have checked "MyappName" at least once, CCleaner ignores the "Default=" value and uses the stored user settings instead. You can delete these user settings in the registry:

- Close CCleaner (also Smart Cleaning, if enabled).

- Open "regedit" and navigate to "Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Piriform\CCleaner".

- Delete the entry "(App)<span>MyappName</span>".

Now CCleaner should respect the "Default=" value.

The "Default=" values are only used for the preselection. If you have ever (un-)checked a cleaning rule, the "Default=" values are overwritten with the stored user settings. That is the desired behavior.

Do not left-click tick/enable "MyappName" in CCleaner, by not left-clicking upon it this prevents CCleaner from remembering any selection choice you've made. Do however make sure it does not have a checkmark next to it, that means it's disabled.

Instead just right-click upon "MyappName", and select via right-click which will popup in a small menu:

Clean MyappName

Then it will only clean it in during that one single instance, and it will be completely ignored when you clean everything else in CCleaner when clicking the big Run Cleaner button.

So to recap, that means you must manually right-click "MyappName" and select "Clean MyappName" in order to clean it.


I personally do the same for two apps I use when wanting to clean their databases.

Thanks, APMichael, now I understood and this solve my problem

Thanks, Andavari, I was not aware of that way of cleaning individual app so it is really helpful.