Winapp2 entries

What are the 'FTP accounts' and 'Downloaded installations' (C:\Windows\Downloaded Installations) entries in the winapp2.ini download from here?

The downloaded installations shows 65MB to be cleaned but I just want to know what it is before cleaning it :)

FTP Accounts

Windows will store login names and passwords when you log into an FTP account through IE.

Downloaded Installations

When installing some programs, it will copy the setup files to that folder. Incase you have to reinstall.

FTP Accounts

Windows will store login names and passwords when you log into an FTP account through IE.

Downloaded Installations

When installing some programs, it will copy the setup files to that folder. Incase you have to reinstall.

Thanks for the explanation, much appreciated. Can safely remove those installation files now and have no use for the FTP cleaning so will remove that entry from my winapp2.

One more I just noticed - 'More Windows Explorer'? Bit vague and couldn't work it out by looking at the entry so whats that?

More Windows Explorer


Not 100% sure, but it is a MRU. MRU-Blaster also cleans this.

More Windows Explorer


Not 100% sure, but it is a MRU. MRU-Blaster also cleans this.

Ok, thanks again :)

(Can you tell I've finally got round to trying winapp2, AFTER 2 YEARS OF USING CCLEANER lol :D )

Sounds like you are using the whole list of winapp2.ini application that is listed here I thought you were supposed to just copy and paste the ones you wanted/need to your winapp2 file?

You can do either one, it doesn't matter. I use the whole winapp2.ini.

You can do either one, it doesn't matter. I use the whole winapp2.ini.

OK thanks. The only other one in there I see that I can use is the Down Loaded installations mentioned all ready. This folder is safe to delete? You said in contained set up files in case you need to reinstall. If you emptied this folder are you saying the programs could not be reinstalled if need be?

The downloaded installations shows 65MB to be cleaned but I just want to know what it is before cleaning it :)

Depending upon what you have installed removing files from that folder can actually break an application such as Windows Live Safety Center which is what it broke on my system and was a bitch to get working again. I reported it months ago to the Admin when the official winapp2.ini thread wasn't being updated, and was ignored.

Edit: Updated first sentence didn't make sense.

Sounds like you are using the whole list of winapp2.ini application that is listed here I thought you were supposed to just copy and paste the ones you wanted/need to your winapp2 file?

I actually deleted the ones I knew I didn't need, then put that edited winapp2 in CCleaner folder, opened CCleaner to see which ones showed up (as it detects which are needed), then removed the winapp2 entries that didn't show up in CCleaner.

It was quite surprising putting the whole thing in actually. CCleaner showed an entry for TuneUp utilities which I only used for the trial period a while back, so went into registry to remove TuneUp keys (though only the ones I was certain could be removed). Also showed Shockwave Player 8 which I don't have, left that alone though in case I broke version 10 which I do have.

I checked the Downloaded installations folder before cleaning it and it only had iTunes (which I don't have any more) and Quicktime install files