
ok i have a load of playlists in winamp on one hard-drive. i am getting a new hard-drive soon and i want to move my music over. is there anyway to keep the playlists without remaking them?

just move the files over to the new hard-drive. well considering that you have a partition set up first.

that could be a problem, winamp is bad for this part.

say you had all of your music stored at C:\music right now.

you would have to move all of your music over to the same exact directory.

then the playlists should play from anywhere.

Moving playlists around from different disks/discs shouldn't be a problem at all so long as you don't have a drive letter associated inside the playlist.

For instance if your playlist has a drive letter in it like this to point to mp3's you can quickly change that in something like Notepad by pressing Edit->Replace (anyways this is what I check before burning a playlist onto a CD-R):


To remove the drive letter in Notepad just tell it to replace G:\ with nothing so the playlist will now look like this:


Winamp is smart enough to know where the mp3's are, as is just about any other audio player.

although i do like the idea of doing that to thousands of mp3's i think i may just change the drive letters on the hard drives, thanks.

You do absolutely nothing to the MP3's. It's only the playlists that you edit which is actually automatically done with Notepad if you use Edit->Replace.

i still have 100 plus playlists, seems very time consuming

Can't you just set winamp to find those files again when you move the music over to the other HDD?

you have to redo the playlists unfortunately