Does Defraggler support Windows 98 and WinME? Can I install Defraggker and use it on win9x without unexpectable bugs and crashes?
From the Defraggler Webpage...
Defraggler supports all OSs released since Windows 2000, this includes Windows 2000, 2003, XP and Vista. 64-bit support has also just been added! Additionally Defraggler supports both NTFS and FAT32 file systems.
So I'm afraid you are out of luck.
Welcome to Piriform prowler.
Does Defraggler support Windows 98 and WinME? Can I install Defraggker and use it on win9x without unexpectable bugs and crashes?
No I've asked this question before and as Hazel says it doesn't support Win9x/ME.
Which isn't a big deal anyway because the WinME Defrag.exe is the best defrag tool that M$ made, I use it on my Win98SE it works twice as fast as the original.
the WinME Defrag.exe is the best defrag tool that M$ made, I use it on my Win98SE it works twice as fast as the original.
You can make it even faster by disabling the Applog which is what I did on Win98. Of course that would mean it would become a files only defragmenter and would no longer optimize programs which makes defrag in 98 so slow. If you're interested in the info just PM me for it.
This is off topic, but here it goes...
I know this is going to come off like I'm a total douchebag, but who uses anything older than Windows 2000 on a regular, day to day basis? I mean, is there really any point? Yes, there are probably not any viruses that are coded anymore for these old OS's, but on the opposite side, Microsoft doesn't support them any more, and I believe that the majority of programmers don't support them as well. Okay, if you are using it for word processing and simple things, fine. But isn't it just worth buying a cheap $500 system that would blow an older PC out of the water?
Please, correct me if I'm missing a truly obvious point. I'm not someone who's on the bleeding edge of technology, but I like to be relatively up to date on my machines.
Please, correct me if I'm missing a truly obvious point. I'm not someone who's on the bleeding edge of technology, but I like to be relatively up to date on my machines.
I recoverd an old PIII system that has NVIDIA 128PRO video and SoundBlaster audio adapters from my apartment recycle bin and by playing around with it and removing all the dust bunnies, applying new paste to its CPU and finding that the main power supply connector was loose and making sure that it was fully seated it now works great.
I was able to purchase a XP Pro license for it so I applied all Windows Updates to it and now it runs IE8 just great.
See my post in the topic hazlenut started about IE8.
I know this is going to come off like I'm a total douchebag, but who uses anything older than Windows 2000 on a regular, day to day basis? I mean, is there really any point?
No your not a douchebag AJ you just don't know all the details why people are using older operating systems.
Have a read here of my WinXP problems which no one can help out with. As for asking M$ to help out with this problem is a joke. They want to know the reference number of the WinXP system, not the CD key. But you can't find the reference number until you've installed WinXP which it won't do anymore.
Microsoft doesn't support them any more, and I believe that the majority of programmers don't support them as well. Okay, if you are using it for word processing and simple things, fine. But isn't it just worth buying a cheap $500 system that would blow an older PC out of the water?
Please, correct me if I'm missing a truly obvious point. I'm not someone who's on the bleeding edge of technology, but I like to be relatively up to date on my machines.
I couldn't careless if M$ support them or not. I make programs and mine work on all Windows systems even Windows 3.1 if you still have one.
who uses anything older than Windows 2000 on a regular, day to day basis?
I don't use my old Win98 computer for anything other than copying some backups from my WinXP system to it. I do keep it in working condition because the XP system could have a hardware failure, etc., and I'd have to use that old system for a short while.
For others I know it could be for particular software they use that hasn't been made specifically for XP, i.e.; a dead project, etc., or for some gaming. I have a plethora of games that put bluntly run like s**t on XP and are unusable.