Win XP probelm with CC Cleaner

I vaguely remember form years ago that CC Cleaner did something to Windows XP where the Windows update didn't work. I recently ran a new copy of CC Cleaner. Win Update now says that Update can't find an internet connection. All the other programs find teh internet OK. Suggestions?

there may be many reasons...

- av, service pack, what internet connection, firewall, (deactivated xp-services ...)

maybe this helps:

shows up the update-symbol in the notification area of the taskbar?

[Moderator edit to fix url to english instead of german -nergal]

Windows doesn't provide automatic updates for XP anymore.

yes :)

the updates that were offered until 2014. which gives it fortunately even now, if one system be reinstalled or so.

Hi, chmoore.

Win xp here also. There is something else wrong, imho. Have you tried system restore?

As Hazelnut says, there are no more bug fixes or security updates for win xp, but on the 13th of this month I got an auto update of the Malicious Software Removal tool, it downloaded, installed and ran.

I just now checked, and when I ran "all programs > windows update" it went to this site and checked my update status. No updates available :).

Here is a link to check:

Post back what you find out, all us old xp'ers would be interested. :P Sorry i couldn't help more.