I am really computer dumb, but after no service for 4 days in a row with Frontier, I joined up with Safelink. In establishing an e-mail acount with them, i blindly followed all instructions the tech guy gave me over the phone, one of which was to close down my Frontier e-mail account. Did that but then realized I lost all 150 e-mails I had in my inbox.
My computer is an acer, with Windows 7 and the mail is Windows Live 2011. I just noticed this ad for Recuva when I googled the question if my mail is recoverable and would like to know if this is the way to go. I contacted Frontier before i closed the account on July 5th and talked to a tech guy but he said they had no back ups but he had seen somewhere on google a way to get them back. Thanks
Your emails might be recoverable if you used a POP account, i.e. downloaded the emails to your pc. If you used a web-based email client, i.e. manage your emails through a web browser, then they won't be recoverable. If you suddenly lost 150 emails then it looks like the latter.
I've just run Recuva (I use Win Live Mail with a POP account) and 20 .eml files were found. I have deleted far more than that, so not all are findable. Furthermore all these .eml files have been overwritten so were useless. I suggest that you run Recuva and see what you find.