Microsoft has finally presented its new version of Internet Explorer, IE 7. Bill Gates noted: “What we've decided to do is a new version of Internet Explorer, this is IE 7, and it adds a new level of security.”Read More>>>
Does it really add new level of security to your Windows system? And as experienced windows users what do you think about it guys?
no way! There is already flaw (possible vulnerability)! Somewhere on net i read this:
MS doesn't have good programs for browser test and vulnerability check!
this is correct! But let me remind you on something:
there is more and more Mozilla Firefox users and FF is having more and more security flaws. But there is so many FF users and most of them learn how to help to FF community! IE is now having less and less users... This is good for IE and it means that in future will be less vulnerabilities (that is in theory!!!).
Also i think that IE can be much secure browser but they are not trying enough (and also they have payments but still they are every minute founding new security holle and flaw...). I love IE but i'm aware of it's security... In all: they are still far from new level of security
there is more and more Mozilla Firefox users and FF is having more and more security flaws. But there is so many FF users and most of them learn how to help to FF community! IE is now having less and less users... This is good for IE and it means that in future will be less vulnerabilities (that is in theory!!!).
That's a very good theory. I like your analysis. If you choose to use IE install SpywareBlaster, and DSOStop2 in order to improve your security.
After Microsoft killed off Netscape with Internet Explorer, they stopped innovating and improving it. But then Firefox came and they definitly see it as a threat.
I think that Internet Explorer 7 will incorporate alot of features and stuff seen in Mozilla Firefox.
Internet Explorer has gone through alot of security vulnerabilities and spyware problems, so Microsoft really should pay some attention and try to fix that. Maybe they have, maybe they havent.
But the biggest problem of them all is still dumb users.
if all the bugs and security flaws are fixed, then i might start to use IE7 myself. well except if it's skinnable because when i tried the IE7 Beta Preview, i puked upon seeing the new GUI.
But the biggest problem of them all is still dumb users.
i think that there is no better answer
and just to add:
IE is now installing on legal Win machines.... That protection is easy to bypass if you are expirienced user of win but if you are beginner (like most of IE users are) that you will see how number of IE users will fall (again: this is just my theory)!
I have a feeling that whether or not people want to update, Microsoft Update will do it for them. Plus, MS will probably make IE7 mandatory for getting updates pretty soon, like they did in the past when they phased out the other old versions.
I have a feeling that whether or not people want to update, Microsoft Update will do it for them. Plus, MS will probably make IE7 mandatory for getting updates pretty soon, like they did in the past when they phased out the other old versions.
I will personally update to it when it becomes final for the only reason being I won't have to download a ton of patches for IE6. However I suspect there will still be a never ending monthly release of patches to "secure" IE7 until the next months patch comes along to "secure" it again. All those patches are an endless vicious cycle, that probably even MS is sick of dealing with not just countless end-users.
I will personally update to it when it becomes final for the only reason being I won't have to download a ton of patches for IE6. However I suspect there will still be a never ending monthly release of patches to "secure" IE7 until the next months patch comes along to "secure" it again. All those patches are an endless vicious cycle, that probably even MS is sick of dealing with not just countless end-users.
Course, it does make tech support easier for them. If IE (or Windows or anything else) doesn't work, MS can simply suggest having the user download the newest patch. If the user already has it, MS can tell them to wait until the next patch comes out. They could effectively dance around the problem all day.
Absolutely. I have secured PC, so I even was not affected by that vulnerability.
But I allways recommend Opera or Firefox to others, because setting up IE is not easy, although Beta 2 has the function "Fix Settings", so I wonder, how it is going Final version looks like. For me, IE is the safest, Opera fastest, Firefox extensionable.
I'm curious, how long have you been on the Internet to come to that conclusion?
I started a few years ago, but then I have learned something. 2 years I had IE + AV + Firewall and I did not get even one infection (tracking cookies can be deleted by usings CCleaner). Since 2006 I use only IE + Firewall and still no infection so far. I have scripting blocked so succesfully, that I even can not allow it. When I set Trusted Zone to Low, I still was not able to run (Opera and Firefox work fine there).
Microsoft has finally presented its new version of Internet Explorer, IE 7. Bill Gates noted: ?What we've decided to do is a new version of Internet Explorer, this is IE 7, and it adds a new level of security.?Read More>>>
Does it really add new level of security to your Windows system? And as experienced windows users what do you think about it guys?
I concur. I will never trust the security/privacy of an MS app. Not for fear of hackers / identity fraudsters, but mainly for fear of a monopolising company. Netscape was (is) virtually wiped out because of that, and <lawyer has deleted remaining statement> hole Mickeysoft !!