Wifi connection lost after running CCleaner on Windows 10

Hi everyone,

My dad has an older W10 laptop and cannot connect to WiFi after running CCleaner. He has to reset his router and his computer in order to regain a connection. Can you help me determine which setting in CCleaner might be causing this issue? Thanks!

Are you doing a registry clean?

Windows 10 loosing a Wi-Fi connection is very common, here's a search about it:


On a laptop you can sometimes get Wi-Fi to reconnect simply by Signing Out, and then Sign In. And sometimes it takes a reboot/restart.

I had the wifi not connecting issue with both Windows 10 1903 and 1909.

It was nothing to do with CCleaner, it was Windows itself and as Andavari says could be common.

I couldn't get Windows to connect reliably on boot and so I made a quick batch file to do the connection manually when needed. (almost every boot).

Copy the following into notepad (not a word processor) and change 'wifiname' to the name of the wifi network you want to connect to.

netsh wlan connect name=wifiname

Save it to your desktop as "Connect Wifi.bat", or any name you like as long as it ends with '.bat'

If/when Windows doesn't connect to wifi then simply double click it to restore the wifi connection.

(PS. Even if the named network is not available that should prompt Windows to look for another available connection).

Mine still lives on my desktop next to the System Tray even though Windows connects by itself again now and I no longer need to use it.


PPS. You could set it up as a scheduled task to run on boot, but it's simple enough just to double click the icon.

9 hours ago, Nergal said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Are you doing a registry clean?

I don't think so. we are using the default settings.

5 hours ago, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Windows 10 loosing a Wi-Fi connection is very common, here's a search about it:


		On a laptop you can sometimes get Wi-Fi to reconnect simply by Signing Out, and then Sign In. And sometimes it takes a reboot/restart.

2 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		I had the wifi not connecting issue with both Windows 10 1903 and 1909.

		It was nothing to do with CCleaner, it was Windows itself and as Andavari says could be common.

		I couldn't get Windows to connect reliably on boot and so I made a quick batch file to do the connection manually when needed. (almost every boot).

		Copy the following into notepad (not a word processor) and change 'wifiname' to the name of the wifi network you want to connect to.

	<pre class="ipsCode prettyprint lang-html prettyprinted">

netsh wlan connect name=wifiname

		Save it to your desktop as "Connect Wifi.bat", or any name you like as long as it ends with '.bat'

		If/when Windows doesn't connect to wifi then simply double click it to restore the wifi connection.

		(PS. Even if the named network is not available that should prompt Windows to look for another available connection).

		Mine still lives on my desktop next to the System Tray even though Windows connects by itself again now and I no longer need to use it.

		<a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2020_12/image.png.bbd982e84168c75345bead46d6427d98.png" title="Enlarge image" data-fileid="14274" data-fileext="png" rel=""><img alt="image.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="14274" data-ratio="77.27" width="220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2020_12/image.png.bbd982e84168c75345bead46d6427d98.png" /></a>

		PPS. You could set it up as a scheduled task to run on boot, but it's simple enough just to double click the icon.


Thanks for the quick responses everyone! I will look into this. After reading more of the CC documentation, it is not likely related to CC. I am definitely not running the Registry Cleaner.