Why we can't restore on same Hard Drive?

they said for better results .. to save on another drive !

but im trying to recover something like 30Go on D: physical drive

but my only other drive C: have 2 Go freespace left.

i tried to restored some files (like 500 megs at the time) on C: and Cut-Paste it on D:

and i notice more i do that .. all the green (excellent) files to restore .. come more and more yellow and red (irrecoverable) :(

i think more we use same drive that the one we lost datas... more we lose forever these datas....

... should i wait 1 more day to have a new hard drive to restore on it ? why no other lose data ?

sorry my english sucks :|

ty for help

YOU CAN put it on the same drive, it's just not suggested. Any Data you write to the same drive increases GREATLY chances that you will overwrite the file being recovered or another file which is wished to be recovered.

Sorry for MY english, I speak it but My brain has become mushy like a fish (see that doesn't even make any sense)

they said for better results .. to save on another drive !

but im trying to recover something like 30Go on D: physical drive

but my only other drive C: have 2 Go freespace left.

i tried to restored some files (like 500 megs at the time) on C: and Cut-Paste it on D:

and i notice more i do that .. all the green (excellent) files to restore .. come more and more yellow and red (irrecoverable) :(

i think more we use same drive that the one we lost datas... more we lose forever these datas....

... should i wait 1 more day to have a new hard drive to restore on it ? why no other lose data ?

sorry my english sucks :|

ty for help

. But you know what you should do i did this buy a 500 gig external hardrive. Save all you need to. then you could actualy go to a friends bring your external hard drive with you plug and play mine cost a hunded dollars by know it sgould be even cheaper