Can you tell me why I should use Defraggler?
When I read http://www.technologyquestions.com/technol...html#post130291 and http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,3973,1149277,00.asp
((Microsoft virtually rewrote file system defrag support for Windows XP to remove the dependency on compressed-file routines and the Cache Manager. This means that data movement works at granularity of a single cluster for uncompressed files and that defragmentation works on NTFS volumes with cluster sizes larger than 4KB. Also, defragmentation is now supported on encrypted files.The other big enhancement is support for online defragmentation of the MFT and most directory and file metadata.))
it makes me believe the Windows Defrag program is even more useful then any other 3th party product. So why is your product better?
This is a serious question, I'm not trying to bash the product .