When I defragment my drive, it says it "Defrag Complete", but it's not. Even the display shows many red (fragmented) segments.
I can run Defraggler over and over again, and each time it will find lots of fragments, spend a lot of time defragmenting them, and then say "Defrag Complete".
Is there a way I can get Defraggler to really defragment completely?
if you click on the red blocks you'll see the files that are not defrag'd.
my guess is they are either programs you had opened during the DF process; like your email program, browser etc or they are system files like pagefile, hibernation, MFT, AV software etc that were locked.
try running DF from Safe Mode, but really, you are chasing the Holy Grail in trying to achieve 100% fragmentation.
and even it it were possible, your next reboot would render the effort worthless.
I never thought about files being locked by opened programs. I'll try closing programs before defragging.
I'm not "chasing the Holy Grail of 100% defragmentation", but I would like to get to the point that Defraggler doesn't keep finding more files to defragment after it says that Defrag Complete.
I never thought about files being locked by opened programs. I'll try closing programs before defragging.
I'm not "chasing the Holy Grail of 100% defragmentation", but I would like to get to the point that Defraggler doesn't keep finding more files to defragment after it says that Defrag Complete.
I am sure you will be totally successful in not SEEING files to defrag if you first close Defraggler.exe
So long as Windows is running it will be causing some continuing fragmentation in the System Drive partition.
While in Windows Vista, the program kept stopping and did not defragment completely. It was also extremely slow. I then rebooted to safemode to "C" prompt and executed df.exe from the "C" prompt. I first degragged the drive without using any switch then a second degrag using the /large switch, then a third defrag with the /fsaf switch. Analysis still reports the following: Total fragments - 174; Fragmented Files Count - 24; Fragmentation - 54%. Unless I'm interpreting this analysis report wrongly it seems that even in view of the windows files being used for SafeMode, fragmentation should be less than 54% of the disk.
I've been out and unable to respond, but thanks. I ticked the "Stop VSS", "Restore Point" and "Hibernation Files" settings. There are no exclusions. I safe started to "C" prompt, defragged free space then "C:" drive. Rebooted normally. Analysis results: 18 fragmented files (57.5 mb), 139 Total fragments, 0% fragmentation. The fragmented files appear to be system volume information. There are several "rows" of free space between two groups of data. I'm thinking that may be normal. I appreciate your response. Thank you for the help. DrM