Why CCleaner is bigger with every releases ?

Check the file sizes of the installer, it grows and grows overtime.

I'm aware that software tends to grow overtime, but this is ludicrous.


All these versions have 32 & 64 bits executable, but we can see the the installer was less than 4MB in 2014, and it is now more than 15 MB !

Between 5.39 and 5.41 (I miss the 5.40 slim installer), the installer jumps from 8MB, to 12MB. Why ?

Also, even if I uncheck all software update, all analytics, I still can see some connections attempts to some avast servers and some others...Why ?

I suspect some crap was added in the installer, but since I block all connections attempts with my firewall, this is of no use.

Fundamentally it comes down to two factors, bloat ware and Big Brother is watching. B)