why are some files ignored?


I am only new to these forums (But definitely not new to piriform) and I love your programs! CCleaner is brilliant. Recuva is great too, I ended up losing all the photos of my 5 month old twins. I had the first 2 months backed up, but any recent ones I had not gotten around to it. Stupid me!

Anyway, my question is, how do I get recuva to show me the items that it has ignored during a scan. It found for me 7000+ files (which I am VERY VERY gratefull for), but there was 2500+ files ignored. Why is this? Are there some options that I have not discovered yet?

Other than that I am very impressed with your software. Some of the best freeware applications around. I recomend you to everyone I know!

Thanks for everything so far, and I await someones response!


If you click on the Options tab in the top r/h corner, select Advanced, you will probably have the Show Zero Length Files and Show Securely Deleted Files boxes unticked. Ticking these will show all the files Recuva has found. Unfortunately this is unlikely to help you find anything worthwhile, but you may as well have a go. It's the sort of thing you do once to see what happens and then set the tickboxes back to blank.

You don't say that you can't find your deleted files, but if you can't you could try the Deep Scan option. This will take forever to run and will return a lot of files, but may be worth the effort.

Hi Augeas,

Thanks heaps for your help. I have performed a deep scan and made those couple of changes. I was unable to find any more files, but hey, I don't think I have lost any other photos of my kids which is a good thing (and means that I am no longer in trouble with the wife).

It wasn't that I couldn't find the deleted files, I was just curious as to what the 2600+ files were that were ignored.

So anyway, all good now.

Thanks again,
