and not from the administrators console? the only time I get all this "issue crap" is when I scan for issues from the xp user's console, and "clean" doesn't seem to clean anything from user's console which I use for surfing. also, will CCleaner work from the limited user's console at all?, and if you log out of the xp limited user's console into an administrator's console and run CCleaner, will it clean out all the "crap" from the limited user's console as well? these issues just keep returning over and over but only from scanning for issues using CCleaner in the limited user's console, but none of these "issues" ever appear when scanning for issues from any administrator's console.
Have you tried using XP's "Run As" option, with this you could run CCleaner with your Admin account without logging out and back in.
no, but I'll try it, I did change the limited user account to a temporary administrator's account from my main administrators account, and then logged off and back in to the user (now administrator's account) and all this "issue crap" didn't show up (same as when running CCleaner from the other adminstrator's accounts). It appears only when using CCleaner to scan for issues from the "limited user" account.Have you tried using XP's "Run As" option, with this you could run CCleaner with your Admin account without logging out and back in.
Those issues appear on limited user because the user doesn't have the access to those files / folders, what causes CCleaner to assume that those files doesn't exist at all and that makes it an issue. For example the $NtUninstallKB?????$ folders can only be accessed by admins.
CCleaner probably could handle this a little better if it would respond to the "no access error" differently.