Why all the problems with spyware/virus?

I'm not sure why there are so many problems with spyware/virus out there. I never ever seem to get anything anymore, probably due to my surfing habits. I simply stay away from questionable sites and don't click links that are questionable and everything seems fine. Heres what I use as my protection:

nod32 antivirus.

windows firewall

windows defender

spyware blaster

spybot search and destroy


I recently added mcafee site advisor and i use keyscrambler.

I could very comfortably remove mcafee site advisor, keyscrambler, spybot search and destroy and superantispyware without any worries.

And of course I use CCleaner for cleaning up the mess. :)

It's a sad fact that some people seem to put all their energies into creating malware and ways of getting it on your system, then the good guys fight them.

Then the bad guys....

If you tied the word "free" to the end of a long string, held the other end of the string and walked down a busy city street sidewalk for 10 blocks...how many people do you think you'd snag? <_<

As mentioned by a few members in another thread, your best protection is common sense.

Yeah. Remember when it was "common"? Not anymore.

As mentioned by a few members in another thread, your best protection is common sense.

No common sense here Dennis as I'm always downloading/testing and visiting malware related sites. :unsure:

If anyone has any gooduns, please pm me the links. :lol:

A good place to visit is Donna's SecurityFlash:


A good place to visit is Donna's SecurityFlash:


Thanks Yo, bookmarked. :)

One of my favourites below.

Malwarebytes Newest Threats

I'm not sure why there are so many problems with spyware/virus out there. I never ever seem to get anything anymore, probably due to my surfing habits. I simply stay away from questionable sites and don't click links that are questionable and everything seems fine.

Most spyware, malware and viruses comes from the files, that you download and install. And if you use IE, and don't use secure settings (or your brains), ActiveX is a common cause. Real-time AV should help with this, but if it's out-dated, incorrectly set, or in the worst case; you don't have one, well... And of course, one big reason for infections is virus emails, attachments that you should not open... Also some worms & trojans comes through unpatched Windows.

You really should not get infected, if you: Use a proper up-to-date AV, don't download & install any suspicious files, don't open any suspicious email attachments, use a firewall and keep your Windows up to date (Microsoft updates).