Motion detector cameras catch a ghost using gym equipment after hours and not paying to do so.
Who Ya Gonna Call? ghost busters?
lol that's awesome. i love ghost stories and such.
That's one Gym member who doesn't want any exorcise.
The local authorities ;D
Soon as I read that title I thought Ghost Busters. lol.
Who needs the Ghostbusters when you can call TAPS - those shmoes who are plumbers by day and paranormal investigators by night!
Who needs the Ghostbusters when you can call TAPS - those shmoes who are plumbers by day and paranormal investigators by night!
I think they're based across the Sound from me.
Cool! I used to watch their show but it got to be a little boring. Go figure. lol
That's one Gym member who doesn't want any exorcise.
Priceless! Extremely punny. I'm still