Who else is reading this topic?

Hi guys/gals.

Now I use 50 odd different forums and in every front page if you like you see a list of all registered users online and the number of guests, as you can on here. But when you read a topic you can also see who else is reading that same topic where as you don't on here. I have to keep clicking on usernames to see what they are reading, perhaps Hazel thinks I'm stalking her. ;)

Perhaps it doesn't bother most users but I was wondering with this could be changed in some way?

Um, why? :huh:

Um, why? :huh:

I agree. That option "sucks".

:) davey

Um, why? :huh:

He is afraid the Black Helicopters are going to swoop in and confiscate his illegal copies of Windows: :unsure:


OMG, I hope I never get to that stage where my enjoyment in life is seeing what other people are reading on a forum :lol:

As for it being turned into an option on this forum....ermmm


I've belonged to other forums that list it and IPB what this forum uses has the ability to list it if configured to do so. But why? :lol:

Why, because I was reading and posting a reply yesterday. Then I checked for new posts and he had replied straight away. If I could see the orginal poster was reading the same topic I would have waited for a comment.

OMG, I hope I never get to that stage where my enjoyment in life is seeing what other people are reading on a forum

No I'm not bothered who is reading what. I would like to see names at the bottom as I can in all the other 49 forums.

If this is a waste of time please delete this topic. But you won't will you? :angry:

I've got my happy head on again today, so I won't be deleting it, but not my idea of a good feature either.

49 Forums!