I just downloaded Kamo, and after my awesome experiences with recuva and ccleaner I expected a fairly unobtrusive experience.
I found that even with adding <em>newegg.com</em> to the whitelist, refreshing, hard refreshing, clearing the cache, and then restarting chrome, newegg would load partially until it tries to validate my login and then crashes completely. That would be fine if I could just add it to the whitelist and remove it when I'm not actively using the site, but that doesn't seem to work.
Thanks for all the hard work and the new products!
Hi @aVileBroker Unfortunately at this current time, the "Allowed websites" area of Kamo only corresponds with the "Browser cleanup" functionality of the program, whereas the newegg.com is being blocked by the "Anti-tracking" mechanism of the software, and there is not currently a whitelist that can be configured for this.
Specifically, "Allowed websites" lets you specify which website cookies will be retained by Kamo during the browser cleanup operation.
I am also unable to access newegg.com whenever Kamo is running so I've reported this problem to our development team and I hope they can get this resolved in one of the next updates we release and/or I hope we can make it possible to whitelist websites from the anti-tracking feature in order to avoid this type of problem.
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Hi <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/92682-avilebroker/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="92682" href="<___base_url___>/profile/92682-avilebroker/" rel="">@aVileBroker</a> Unfortunately at this current time, the "Allowed websites" area of Kamo only corresponds with the "Browser cleanup" functionality of the program, whereas the newegg.com is being blocked by the "Anti-tracking" mechanism of the software, and there is not currently a whitelist that can be configured for this.
<em>Specifically, "Allowed websites" lets you specify which website cookies will be retained by Kamo during the browser cleanup operation.</em>
I am also unable to access newegg.com whenever Kamo is running so I've reported this problem to our development team and I hope they can get this resolved in one of the next updates we release and/or I hope we can make it possible to whitelist websites from the anti-tracking feature in order to avoid this type of problem.
I see! Thank you for the response Megan. That is definitely unfortunate, and there are a couple of other pages which I believe suffer when kamo is on, like twitch.tv. I can totally see why some sites would "not work" when their payloads are blocked by the client - it's not their job to make it work when we tamper with their calls. The responsibility then falls on Kamo to let some websites track us, which would need to be in a separate white-list.
It makes me a bit worried about the feasibility of an all-encompassing anti-tracker which either breaks websites that don't like anti-trackers, or lets some websites track you if they don't accommodate it. Tricky situation for sure.
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It makes me a bit worried about the feasibility of an all-encompassing anti-tracker which either breaks websites that don't like anti-trackers, or lets some websites track you if they don't accommodate it. Tricky situation for sure.
It's the old problem of what do you think you need to block.
On various fora I see people complaining about Windows 10 gathering stuff, or this company, or that company, (even CCleaner gets accused).
But then those same people seem quite happy to let Google, Facebook, etc. gather whatever they want.
Personally my stance is if you don't like what they are doing then don't go there.
As soon as you connect a computer to the internet someone is trying to work out what you are doing, what you are interested in.
Fortunately that's usually just so they can try and sell you something, and no worse than that.
I think what I am saying is that if you connect to the internet then someone somewhere is trying to watch where you visit and what you do, to try and sell something.
Apps like Kamo can help stop some of that but if you 'must go' to that site, usually by peer pressure because 'everyone' goes there, then you accept that data collection as part of going there. (and make it an exception in Kamo or whatever).
Apart from that the only real way to stop it is never connect to the net, or never go to that site despite all your friends being on it.