Fasterfox, Fire Tune or Firetweaker? I have all three, and I suspect that at least F T and Ftw are similar and have made many of the same changes. Although there is still always the chance that in some way they oppose each other and are actually slowing my pc down. Your opinion would be appreciated! FF1.5, Windows XP Home, Pentium 4, 72gig disk space and 1gig
Firetune is the best I have tried. With fasterfox I actually experienced slower speeds.(I'm on a 4mb cable connection)
Thanks ridge! I'm about the same broadband set up.
I got a 10 mbit/s connection.
I tried out Firetune but it seemed to be very trivial. It allow me to select if I have fast or slow computer and fast or slow network connection, and thats about it.
I does not provide me any good information or options for configuration. It does not tell me what it does or how it works or why it does what.
Firetune from what I have read does all the about config tweaks that are usually done with cromedit. Did you actually use it? Because the speed increase is noticeable.
Also I dont believe you have that fast a connection.(what type is it?)
Prove it by putting a screenshot of the results.
why dont you believe him, over here in england you can get a 24mb connection
Also I dont believe you have that fast a connection.(what type is it?)
uhhh. it says it doesnt work with connections over 8 Mb/s
Thats because I only believe about a fourth of everything he says anyway. But if hes telling the truth he can prove it.
Yes I tried Firetune but I am not sure if I notice any difference...
I really do have a 10 mbit/s connection, and it is about to get upgraded to 100 mbit/s after christmas.
I got a switched ethernet connection. I connect a TP cat5 cable from my computer to my switch then from the switch to the wall. Then from wall it leads to the basement of the house, and from there it goes via fiber optic under the ground to the ISP.
I could probably alter a screenshot to show a million megabits/s, so a screenshot doesnt really proove much.
why the hell do you need 100 Mb/s?
I just can't wait to see what your reply will be!!
Actually I dont need 100 mbit/s because I dont think it will improve my speed all that much (in theory it will be 10x as fast, but that is in theory).
I rarerly download anything so it wont really benefit me but on the other hand once you have had 10 mbit/s you wouldnt want less, it is great to be able to download at very high speeds sometimes when you do it.
The reason I will be getting 100 mbit/s is that it is a free upgrade from my ISP. All the customers will be upgraded from 10 mbit/s to 100 mbit/s. Ill supposedly get it in January.
I get 3.2 mb rating on that site. it says its awesome. i could always go faster, but i am happy with what i got.
I use FasterFox and it seems to do a better job then FireTune, although I have never tried Firetweaker before..
Do some research on that extension. I have heard that a lot of sites are going to start blocking people who use it because its basically costing them more bandwidth.
Dont feel like doing any research thank you, unless you post some links for me too read. Well I think FasterFox is a great extention and is better then FireTune this doesnt have too apply too you.