Which CCleaner setting resets the volume control?

I've gotten pretty aggressive in what I have ticked in the Custom Clean section. One of them resets the Windows Volume Control settings, and I'd like it to *not* do that. Could someone please tell me what I need to un-tick to accomplish this? Thanks.

Are you cleaning the registry?

Does any of this apply?


No, sorry. I'm using Windows 7, and when I said the volume gets reset after using CCleaner, I meant it gets louder. I have the System Sounds slider set very low, and after using CCleaner it gets reset to somewhere between 40-50%. The same thing happens with the sliders for several other programs I use. It never used to do this, and I'm pretty sure it's the result of me ticking one of the many boxes in the Custom Clean section. I may have to go through the process of elimination and un-tick them until I find the culprit if someone doesn't know which one it is.

22 minutes ago, EighthNote said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		   I may have to go through the process of elimination and un-tick them until I find the culprit if someone doesn't know which one it is.

That would probably be the best way. Let us know how it goes.

I've never heard od CCleaner affecting the volume before.

Rather than unticking them on by one, reseting the volume and then going for the next one, resetting the volume .......... there is a way that will save a bit of time.

Set some music playing.

Open CCleaner and right click on a suspect item and clean just that one item from the menu that pops-up.

If the volume doesn't change then do the next one, and so on.

Doing it that way you won't have to keep resting the volume.

It should be obvious when you clear the offending item and the volume changes.

I appreciate the help, but I don't think the volume would change while something was playing. I think it would have to be stopped and then started again. I just open the volume mixer and when I see the System Sounds slider jacked up to almost 50% I know it's been affected again.

I also failed to mention that I'm using (and have been using for quite a while) the CCEnhancer thing that gives you a lot more boxes to tick under the Applications tab. I'm sure it's something in the Windows section that I ticked. I'll figure it out eventually.

I disabled CCEnhancer and when back to "stock," set my volume controls how I wanted them, ran CCleaner, and everything was fine afterwards.

Ah, CCEnhancer is not an offical add-on.

A better alternative if you want to add functionality is winapp2.ini

Whilst again that is not an 'official' add-on it is supported on this company forum; which should tell you all you need to know.

Thanks, but I'm confused. I thought CCEnhancer was just a GUI for the winapp2ool.exe tool and downloaded the most recent winapp2.ini ? I just used it and it downloaded v191203, which is the same version that I got from your link?

1 hour ago, EighthNote said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Thanks, but I'm confused.  I thought CCEnhancer was just a GUI for the winapp2ool.exe tool and downloaded the most recent winapp2.ini ?  I just used it and it downloaded v191203, which is the same version that I got from your link?

It is the samething.

That said please remove the winapp2.ini file and see if your volume resets on clean. If it does then we'll know that it's a ccleaner problem. If it does turn out to be winapp2, (and I'm almost completely sure it will) you have to take your question to the thread nuke pointed to

Also from now on don't mention the enhancing software any more as it's an open secret on this site. One which i'll usually edit threads to say "voldemort" instead, too lazy to do it in this thread though.