Wheres Davey been?

Its been 367 days since he was last spotted on the forums :(

Sadly no one appears to know what happened to davey.

The subject has been raised a few times over the last year. We've left pm's for him in the hope that one day he appears again, but so far, not a word.

The moderating team, and I'm sure all the members who knew davey, are hoping nothing untoward has happened to him.

This sucks - period.


Maybe he died. Ever think of that circumstance in your tiny 80 year lifespans?

Maybe he died. Ever think of that circumstance in your tiny 80 year lifespans?

Hope not. :(

Maybe he died. Ever think of that circumstance in your tiny 80 year lifespans?

No offense Corona, but that came across as pretty harsh, especially for you. Has it crossed my mind? Yeah - but it did so in a "I hope he didn't die" kind of way.


No offense Corona, but that came across as pretty harsh, especially for you. Has it crossed my mind? Yeah - but it did so in a "I hope he didn't die" kind of way.



Death isn't necessarily the reason though, he could be in the Caribbean or somewhere soaking up the sun, then there's the other plausible thing - computer failure, not everyone can afford to or is willing to fix a kaput computer.

People just up and get bored with forums after awhile though. While some may spend a few days, or weeks away, others leave permanently. I've did it myself countless times on other forums over the years, just up and left - they probably think I went kaput too.

No offense Corona, but that came across as pretty harsh, especially for you. Has it crossed my mind? Yeah - but it did so in a "I hope he didn't die" kind of way.

