I've just completed a clean install of Vista. Now I'm replacing all my programs, backups and preferences. I have a full system backup.
Where did CCleaner store my saved cookies list and how can I restore it to my 'new' PC?
Thanks, SixG
I've just completed a clean install of Vista. Now I'm replacing all my programs, backups and preferences. I have a full system backup.
Where did CCleaner store my saved cookies list and how can I restore it to my 'new' PC?
Thanks, SixG
Where did CCleaner store my saved cookies list and how can I restore it to my 'new' PC?Thanks, SixG
Hello sixg,
You can recover all your CCleaner settings from The CCleaner folder.
In WinXP this is C:\Program Files\CCleaner. The text file named (cc)leaner.ini contains all your settings.
This file is only created if you had the option at Options > Advanced > Save all settings to INI file.
If you did not have this option set, then all your settings can be found in a copy of your Registry.
How to recover them? I am not sure.
I always recommend that the option to save the settings to INI file be set on. You can make a copy in case the original gets deleted. Plus it is easy to read since it is a text file. Flip the option off and back on and a new sorted version is created. Makes it easy to find things.
Good luck, davey
Hello sixg,You can recover all your CCleaner settings from The CCleaner folder.
In WinXP this is C:\Program Files\CCleaner. The text file named (cc)leaner.ini contains all your settings.
This file is only created if you had the option at Options > Advanced > Save all settings to INI file.
If you did not have this option set, then all your settings can be found in a copy of your Registry.
How to recover them? I am not sure.
I always recommend that the option to save the settings to INI file be set on. You can make a copy in case the original gets deleted. Plus it is easy to read since it is a text file. Flip the option off and back on and a new sorted version is created. Makes it easy to find things.
Good luck,
Thanks for the reply Dave,
No, I didn't have the INI option set
Don't know how to get the data back from the registry
But I now know more than I did before!
Hi sixg.
Well if you not using the ini option Run: Regedit and look for
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Piriform\CCleaner keyname. Hightlight CCleaner and select File\Export... and save the reg file somewhere safe.
If you've done a restore then it will only remember the settings you have on that restore date. As Davey says the ini option is good for saving the settings and quick. This is the easiest way to transfer the settings to another machine.
If you install CC on another machine before you run it put CCleaner.ini in the CCleaner folder first off, then run it. CC checks if CCleaner.ini file is there before it goes to the registry.
Thanks for the reply Dave,No, I didn't have the INI option set
Don't know how to get the data back from the registry
But I now know more than I did before!
It really depends on what you used to create your "full system backup".
Tell us and maybe someone can tell how to recover those Registry settings.
I did not want to suggest anything that might ruin your fresh Vista install.
If it is not too much then you will have to just recreate all your settings, cookies to save ,Include/Exclude entries etc.. Then be sure to set that option ON and create a copy every now and then. I always keep this option ON. If you ever mess up your settings then you can just put a copy of your backup (cc)leaner.ini file into your CCleaner folder.
Good luck,