Where can I get older CCleaner downloads

Hello, I have a problems I don't found official CCleaner old versions downloads. I don't like new CCleaner versions so I need older versions list I buy every year CCleaner Windows OS license key and I can't get older CCleaner version for Windows 10....

So please give me official older CCleaner versions download links.

We don't recommend running older CCleaner versions, - because Windows, Browsers, and other apps, are constantly changing so CCleaner is constantly changing and old versions may/will not clean them properly.

Which is why older versions are not retained on the download pages.

The one exception to that is if you are still running Windows XP or Windows Vista, in which case they cannot run the latest CCleaner versions and so the last CCleaner version to work with those versions of Windows is still available as a 'Sunset' version on the builds page -


But that is for those old Windows versions and it will not clean Windows 10 properly (or Windows 7, 8, 8.1, or 11)

7 minutes ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		We don't recommend running older CCleaner versions, - because Windows, Browsers, and other apps, are constantly changing so CCleaner is constantly changing and old versions may/will not clean them properly.

		Which is why older versions are not retained on the download pages.

		The one exception to that is if you are still running Windows XP or Windows Vista, in which case they cannot run the latest CCleaner versions and so the last CCleaner version to work with those versions of Windows is still available as a 'Sunset' version on the builds page -


		But that is for those old Windows versions and it will not clean Windows 10 properly (or Windows 7, 8, 8.1, or 11)

I don't know about it, I'm using Windows 10 and I'll be switching to Windows 11 soon, then yes, latest CCleaner version is better.

Thanks for info ;)</strong>

What is it about the newer CCleaner versions that you don't like?

If you tell us we may be able to guide you into using CCleaner with different settings.

3 hours ago, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		What is it about the newer CCleaner versions that you don't like?

		If you tell us we may be able to guide you into using CCleaner with different settings.

I don't like new function Driver Updater because when I run Driver Updater and update drivers with CCleaner my drivers just removed. When I need update drivers windows 10 give me notification and windows 10 automatically updates my drivers but when update drivers with CCleaner my all drivers removed this function have much bugs.

Custom Clean function when turn on "Free Wipe Spaces" click Analyze and Run Cleaner then Windows compressed files and folders then all windows files have two blue arrows and then windows os left very slow.

Registry function don't remove-fix regedit files when any programs or apps remove registry function do not remove files from regedit when any programs or apps removed.

Other just I don't like new design I like more older CCleaner desing older desing more classic and simple. For example I like CCleeaner v5.84.9126 or v562+ versions.

Now I use v562 version and this version perfect clean all regedit files and windows trash or browsers browsing data but I'am using this version on Windows 10 21H2 and v562 works better than latest CCleaner version.</strong>

v5.62 is over two years old - It will not be cleaning your 21H2 properly.

What Windows stores and where it stores it has changed in those 2 years.

It will not be cleaning your browsers properly, browsers have changed a lot internally in the past 2 years.

In particular where/how they store cookies has changed, how caches are stored has changed, even the names of cookies, caches, etc. have been changed.

Microsoft Edge browser has been replaced by Edge Chromium, 'Old' Edge should have been automatically removed, CCleaner v5.62 doesn't even have a cleaning section for Edge Chromium so won't be cleaning it, and there may still be Edge Chromium files to clean on your machine even if you never use it as a browser.

PS. 21H2 has not been released to market yet, that will happen in November (probably next Patch Tuesday) - So I assume that you are running an Insider version.

Your choice if you want to use an out-of-date CCleaner of course, but I'm just warning you that v5.62 is not cleaning your system properly.

Most of your other points have simple answers, I hope these may help you:

If you don't want to use Driver Updater then simply ignore it. (I've never used it, and I know others ignore it too).

Just because a tool is there you don’t have to use it.

The same with Registry Cleaner, although TBH you shouldn't be using that as a regular tool anyway - it's for trying to fix problems and should only be used in certain special cases.

See this post from Dave CCleaner:<a href="<___base_url___>/topic/59952-i-get-a-registry-error-on-ccleaner-on-windows-10-i-have-scanned-5-times/?tab=comments#comment-326804" rel="">https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/59952-i-get-a-registry-error-on-ccleaner-on-windows-10-i-have-scanned-5-times/?tab=comments#comment-326804</a>

Wipe Free Space in Custom Clean is again something that is not for regular use, you should leave it unticked or it will slow cleans down.

What it does is wipe over any traces of deleted files so that they can't be recovered.

It's only realy needed if you are giving the computer or drive to someone else, so that they have no chance of recovering your deleted files.

Using it does not clean junk or speed up your computer in any way at all.

However, CCleaner's Wipe Free Space does not compress your Windows files or folders.

Something else is doing that, the most likely is that Windows itself has been set to compress the drive:

NTFS compression Windows 10

As for the general design/look of the CCleaner User Interface, I'm afraid that like any other application it's going to change from time to time.

Although they will listen to user feedback in the end it's the application owners/developers choice as to how it looks.

6 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		<strong><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">5.62 versija yra senesnė nei dveji metai – ji tinkamai neišvalys jūsų 21H2. </font></font></font></font></strong>

Tai, ką Windows saugoti ir kur saugoti, per tuos 2 metus.

Tai netinkamai iš jūsų naršyklės, per 2 metus naršyklės viduje labai gerai.

Visų pirma saugojimo vietaslapukų vieta/kaip, vietos talpyklos saugojimo būdas, talpyklos pavadinimas, talpyklos ir kt.

„Microsoft Edge“ naršyklė buvo pakeista Edge Chromium, „Senasis“ Edge turėjo būti pašalintas, CCleaner v5.62 net neturi „Edge Chromium“ valymo skyriaus, todėl jos nevalys, o „Edge Chromium“ vis dar gali būti failų, kuriuos nori nenori savo kala, net jei niekada nenaudojate jo kaip naršyklės.

		<font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">PS. </font></font></font><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">21H2 dar nebuvo išleistas į rinką, tai įvyks lapkritį (tikriausiai kitą pataisų antradienį) – todėl manau, kad naudojate Insider dieną.</font></font></font></font>

		<font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">Žinoma, jūsų pasirinkimas, jei norite naudoti pasenusią CCleaner, bet aš tik įspėjau, kad v5.62 netinkamai valo jūsų sistemą. </font></font></font></font>

		<font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">Daugelis kitų jūsų punktų turi paprastus atsakymus, tikiuosi, kad jie gali jums padėti: </font></font></font></font>

		<font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">Jei nenorite naudoti Driver Updater, tiesiog nekreipkite į tai dėmesį. </font></font></font><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">(Aš niekada jo nenaudojau, ir žinau, kad kiti ignoruoja). </font></font></font></font>

Vien todėl, kad yra įrankis, jo naudoti nereikia.

		<font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">Tas pats ir su Registry Cleaner, nors TBH jokiu būdu neturėtumėte naudoti įprasto įrankio – jis skirtas problemoms ir turėtų būti naudojamas kaip tikrai ypatingais atvejais. </font></font></font></font>

šį Dave’o CCleaner įrašą: https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/59952-i-get-a-registry-error-on-ccleaner-on-windows-10-i-have-scanned-5- kartus /?tab=comments#comment-326804

		<font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">Nuvalykite laisvą vietą pasirinkti Custom – tai vėlgi kažkas, kas nėra įprastas naudojimas, </font></font></font></font><em><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">todėl jis su nežymiu, kitaip jis sutinka</font></font></font></font></em><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"> . </font></font></font></font>

Tai nuvalo ištrintų failų pėdsakus, kad jų nebūtų galima atkurti.

Tai tikrai reikalinga tada, kai atiduodate tik ar diską kam nors kitam, kad jis gali atkurti ištrintų nesėkmių.

Naudodami jį, jokiu būdu neišvalote šiukšlių ir nepagreitinate kompiuterio.

		<font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">Tačiau CCleaner s Nuvalykite Laisva vieta </font></font></font></font><em><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">neturi</font></font></font></font></em><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"> suspausti savo Langai failus ar aplankus. </font></font></font></font>

Tai daro kažkas kita, pati „Windows“ buvo nustatyta suspausti diską:

NTFS glaudinimas Windows 10


		<font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">Kalbant apie bendrą „CCleaner“ vartotojo sąsajos dizainą / kiek reikia, buvo, kad ir bet kuri kita programa, ji pasikeis. </font></font></font></font>

Nors dabar jie išklausys vartotojų atsiliepimus, tai, kaip ji atrodo, pasirenka programos savininkai / kūrėjas


„Windows 10 21H2“ vis dar turi IE naršyklę, o „Microsoft Edge“, o ne „chromium“, „Windows 11“ nebeturi IE naršyklės, o į „Windows 11 edge“ pakeiskite į chrominį, bet ne į „Windows 10 21H2 IE“ naršyklę visi gali tiesiog ištrinti iš „Windows 10“ 21H1 ir 21H2, bet „CCleaner v5“ .62 vis tiek aptinka visus chromuotus ir kraštinius slapukus :)

CCleaner v.5.62 nepašalina visų šiukšlių su išmaniuoju valymu. Tiesiog sukurkite specialią CCleaner versiją be tvarkyklės atnaujinimo funkcijos, tada turėsiu tobulą programą…

PS. 21H2 can install just when reinstall windows 10 microsoft submit 21H1 but 21H2 you can download and install from microsoft. Windows 10 21H2 does not openly publish because 21H2 still hve a loot bugs but install any can 21H2 version ;)</font></font>

“If you don’t want to use Driver Updater then simply ignore it. (I’ve never used it, and I know others ignore it too). Just because a tool is there you don’t have to use it.”

Well thanks for your advice yes I just won't use Driver Updater

Thank you <span>:)</span></strong>

6 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Your choice if you want to use an out-of-date CCleaner of course, but I'm just warning you that v5.62 is not cleaning your system properly.


It's not impossible and the way to get away with using a now ancient version of CCleaner that Windows hasn't blacklisted yet is to make and use Winapp2.ini entries (or grab those already created in the community Winapp2.ini file), which is how I've been able to keep using v5.63 for so long and avoid issues with newer builds. Although I will not be giving any advice on here how to do that -- too time consuming.

18 hours ago, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		... the way to get away with using a now ancient version of CCleaner ........ is to make and use Winapp2.ini entries <em>(or grab those already created in the community Winapp2.ini file)</em>

Remember to consider though that if an entry is in CCleaner then it will not be duplicated in the community winapp2.ini

Which still means that changes to browsers and to Windows itself will not be covered, and so will not be cleaned.

Unless you create your own .ini entries to cover them, and not everyone is capable of doing that. (or even of knowing what has changed so what new needs to be covered).

19 hours ago, KizaKaS said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		<font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">„Windows 10 21H2“ vis dar turi IE naršyklę, o „Microsoft Edge“, o ne „chromium“, „Windows 11“ nebeturi IE naršyklės, o į „Windows 11 edge“ pakeiskite į chrominį, bet ne į „Windows 10 21H2 IE“ naršyklę visi gali tiesiog ištrinti iš „Windows 10“ 21H1 ir 21H2, bet „CCleaner v5“ .62 vis tiek aptinka visus chromuotus ir kraštinius slapukus :) </font></font>

CCleaner v.5.62 nepašalina visų šiukšlių su išmaniuoju valymu. Tiesiog sukurkite specialią CCleaner versiją be tvarkyklės atnaujinimo funkcijos, tada turėsiu tobulą programą…

		Google translation:

		Windows 10 21H2 still has an IE browser and Microsoft Edge instead of chromium, Windows 11 no longer has an IE browser, and change to Windows 11 edge to chrome but not to Windows 10 21H2 IE the browser can simply be deleted from Windows 10 21H1 and 21H2 by Windows 10, but CCleaner v5.62 still detects all chrome and edge cookies :)

You seem to be misunderstanding the situation with Edge (and the different situation with IE's temporary storage spaces).

That first sentence seems to be confusing  <strong>Edge Chromium</strong> with <strong>Google Chrome</strong>.

It isn't a case of 'Edge instead of Chromium' - Edge itself is now Chromium based.

Microsoft Edge (Old Edge) has been automatically removed from (most) Windows 10 and replaced by Edge Chromium. It's been happening automatically since last April.

(For a while Windows 10 users had both 'Old Edge' and 'Edge Chromium' on their machines).

IE is still on Windows 10 machines as well as Edge Chromium, but Edge Chromium is now the Standard Windows browser.

IE's storage spaces and the need to clean them will not be going away anytime soon, as said above other applications use them as a convinient place to put temporary files.

So even if you no longer have IE browser on your machine, the storage spaces it used to use are still being used by other things and so still need to be cleaned.

(CCleaner may eventually change the <em>name</em> of that section and call it something else instead of 'Interner Explorer', but it will still be the same temporary spaces being cleaned).

If you look at the latest CCleaner versions they include cleaning for all 3 of those Microsoft products.

Older CCleaner versions such as your v5.62 only have cleaning of <strong>Microsoft Edge</strong> and not <strong>Edge Chromium</strong> as well.

They  do not even have a section for <strong>Edge Chromium</strong> because it didn't exist at that time; so they will not clean it's temporary storage spaces.

(Even older CCleaner versions don't have or clean <strong>Microsoft Edge</strong> either, because that didn't exist at the time).



Which is basically the whole point - If you are using an older CCleaner version then you are missing things, (some things are not as easily seen as those 3), and so you are not cleaning everything that the latest version does.

11 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		You seem to be misunderstanding the situation with Edge (and the different situation with IE's temporary storage spaces).

		That first sentence seems to be confusing  <strong>Edge Chromium</strong> with <strong>Google Chrome</strong>.

		It isn't a case of 'Edge instead of Chromium' - Edge itself is now Chromium based.

		<strong>Microsoft Edge</strong> (Old Edge) has been automatically removed from (most) Windows 10 and replaced by <strong>Edge Chromium</strong>. It's been happening automatically since last April.

		(For a while Windows 10 users had both 'Old Edge' and 'Edge Chromium' on their machines).

		IE is still on Windows 10 machines as well as Edge Chromium, but Edge Chromium is now the Standard Windows browser.

		IE's storage spaces and the need to clean them will not be going away anytime soon, as said above other applications use them as a convinient place to put temporary files.

		So even if you no longer have IE browser on your machine, the storage spaces it used to use are still being used by other things and so still need to be cleaned.

		(CCleaner may eventually change the <em>name</em> of that section and call it something else instead of 'Interner Explorer', but it will still be the same temporary spaces being cleaned).

		If you look at the latest CCleaner versions they include cleaning for all 3 of those Microsoft products.

		Older CCleaner versions such as your v5.62 only have cleaning of <strong>Microsoft Edge</strong> and not <strong>Edge Chromium</strong> as well.

		They  do not even have a section for <strong>Edge Chromium</strong> because it didn't exist at that time; so they will not clean it's temporary storage spaces.

		(Even older CCleaner versions don't have or clean <strong>Microsoft Edge</strong> either, because that didn't exist at the time).

		<a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2021_11/image.png.cf83c1d0426d6592ab6f4bf6dd35db36.png" title="Enlarge image" data-fileid="15443" data-fileext="png" rel=""><img alt="image.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="15443" data-ratio="219.62" width="260" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2021_11/image.png.cf83c1d0426d6592ab6f4bf6dd35db36.png" /></a>

		<a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2021_11/image.png.f56012a908b76710bb313087d065d6dd.png" title="Enlarge image" data-fileid="15444" data-fileext="png" rel=""><img alt="image.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" data-fileid="15444" data-ratio="207.98" width="263" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2021_11/image.png.f56012a908b76710bb313087d065d6dd.png" /></a>

		Which is basically the whole point - If you are using an older CCleaner version then you are missing things,  (some things are not as easily seen as those 3), and so you are not cleaning everything that the latest version does.

Ok thanks you all for help me now I'm use latest CCleaner version I just don't like CCleaner design.

I liked it more when CCleaner there was an old classic design like 2018-2019 years desing... But not like this...</strong>