Where are "don't delete" cookies saved?

I had a decent sized list of Cookies I DON'T want deleted on my previous computer. I still have

access to all the files from that old harddrive, but the M.B. is gone. I'd LIKE to find that list

where those not-to-delete cookies is saved and (IF POSSIBLE) copy it to my new PC.

Sure, I can slowly try to remember them, but it'd be so much easier if they can be found and

listed or even found and moved from the old..

Bob K.

Hi Bob, welcome to the forums.

Click Options / Advanced / 'Save all settings to INI file'. You'll then find all CCleaner settings, including the cookie list, in the ini file in your CCleaner program folder.

You can use this ini file on your new machine by clicking the same option and then replacing the new ini file with the one from your old machine.

Hi Bob, welcome to the forums.

Click Options / Advanced / 'Save all settings to INI file'. You'll then find all CCleaner settings, including the cookie list, in the ini file in your CCleaner program folder.

You can use this ini file on your new machine by clicking the same option and then replacing the new ini file with the one from your old machine.

Sounds like I'm screwed.. I'm glad to see how it works, But I no longer can run that old Window system *OR* it's HD on the

new computer (OEM lockout!) .. I'd have thought those names need to exist SOMEWHERE on the old HD, so I can *see* them

and not have to spend weeks or months relearning what they were..

Also, I tried running that older CCleaner from the old drive, and the old version shows, but there's nothing showing

in the 'dont delete these' list.. I KNOW I had a number of names listed in there

& I just double confirmed by adding a cookie to the NEW CCleaner (C: drive 2.29.1091) and then bringing up the old (L: drive 2.26) and

there is was!! So the old CCleaner is finding the NEW list on the NEW C: drive

Bob K.

Using the regular windows registry editor, click on 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE'.

With HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE highlighted go to File->Load Hive...

Navigate to the profile folder for the user account you used on the old windows (in Documents and Settings\...)

Select and open the NTUSER.DAT file within the old user directory. The file is hidden.

Name it anything and click OK.

Expand the newly created entry that is now within HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and drill down to Software->Piriform->CCleaner.

Everything will be there including 'CookiesToSave'. Use the File->Export option to save these entries to a reg file.

Now run the reg file to import it into your current NTUSER.DAT registry hive to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Piriform\CCleaner.

^^^ The default location is in the registry, per Talldog9's post. If you can mount your old hard-drive externally (or internally as a non-system drive) you should be able to follow the steps above.