When you defragment the disk, I noticed that increases the space on the hard disk.
I have Windows 7 Home Basic.
Anyone can help me?
When you defragment the disk, I noticed that increases the space on the hard disk.
I have Windows 7 Home Basic.
Anyone can help me?
I hope you meant your free space was decreased??
On Vista/Windows 7 machines it's known to create restore points when running Defraggler, not sure why but it's a glitch that hasn't been fixed yet.
Purge your restore points with System Restore or CCleaner and you should find your free space back to normal.
Richard S.
I wouldn't even bother doing that purge, they'll be automatically culled if space is tight.
Actually I have noticed with heavily fragged filesystems, that free space increased somewhat after defragging, I assume because less housekeeping information was required to know which blocks the fragment extents were using.