Whats up with Flash Player

Well for the first time today I have not been able to install and use Flashplayer,I installed it on a new frresh install of XP and on a total upgrade to Ser Pak 3 and it crashes IE 6,7 and firefox I have tried everything I have read on here and on the Adobe site and nothing works. Anyone know whats up.

Are you downloading it from Adobe? The official page is located here:


Try un-installing the Flash player then install the new one:


Close all browser windows the run the un-installer then install the new one.

Well I have tried everything still no go as long as flash isn't installed everything is fine once installed you go to a flash site and IE 6 crashes,I have it installed on my personal computer a home built one thats five years old no problems. It see from doing a Google search I'm not the only one having this problem, I formatted the HD did a clean install of XP did a fresh install of all the updates,it makes no difference if I install flash it crashes the browser.

Not sure if this would be a problem but I'm working on a Compaq with a Intel Celeron 2.5 GHz. processor With 376 Mb or ram.

Well I have tried everything still no go aslongas flash isnt installed everything isfine once installed you go to a flash site and IE 6 crashes

IE 6 being the keyword! I wonder if Adobe has changed the requirements a little or something, I don't know for sure.

Your guess is as good as mine on fixing the issue.

Well the system requirements are at least a Intel? Pentium? II 450MHz or faster processor (or equivalent) and 128 mb or ram. It also crashes IE7,Firefox & Netscape so its not browser specific. This is a low end processor to in this system so I'm thinking it just can't handle it.

Or it's just a bug in Flash that's revealed on your system. Hopefully in the next version you'll be able to use it, otherwise there's a ton of websites you won't be able to use, which in a sense makes it evidently clear that far too many sites rely upon Flash.