what's the hotfix unistallers?

What's the hotfix unistallers?? Can I delete them with no problems?

If you know the italian language please write in italian.


What's the hotfix unistallers?? Can I delete them with no problems?

If you know the italian language please write in italian.


Hi Hpaul,

I used a free translation service. I don't know if this translation is good, or not. If it doesn't make sense I added the English explanation.

_ se voi non desider uninstall vostro hotfixes allora voi non bisogno manten uninstallers. _ se voi 'fa funzionare 'CCleaner pulito in su uninstallers uninstaller registrazione chiave essere ancora di sinistra dietro. _ quando voi 'esplor per edizione CCleaner rilev rimanente registrazione chiave. _ quando voi selezion 'ripar edizione esso rimuov di sinistra sopra chiave. _

If you don't want to uninstall your hotfixes then you don't need to keep the uninstallers. If you 'Run' CCleaner to clean up the uninstallers the uninstaller registry keys are still left behind. When you 'Scan for Issues' CCleaner will detect the leftover registry keys. When you select 'Fix Issues' it will remove the left over keys.

Hope this helps!