Hey Friends,
Nothing like a good discussion about a very important topic for all users.
My thoughts are due to a lot of reading and evaluation also.
Disk Defragmenter is the best things going for most average users.MS put a lot of thought and experience in developing and honing this product.It does the best job that can be done for the average PC user.It rarely needs any updates or fixes.If so this is done during MS updating.No muss,no fuss for the average user.May it always stay that way.
It takes into consideration the users preferences and processing history and "defrags" and optimizes based on the information that Windows has accumulated during the history of the computers use.Most users leave Prefetch and User Assist History alone.That is to their benefit.There are other areas that keep historical data also but I won't go there.Average users don't need to go there either.
This explains the "slowness" of MS defrag.In reality most users don't need to defrag that often.That is why I advise average users to only defrag when Disk Defragmenter agrees that they need to do so.If it tells them it doesn't need defragmenting it is because of Windows disk optimisation considerations.
It is that plain and simple.If you do keep defragging it is detrimental to your computers performance in the short term.In the long term Windows will eventually sort it out.However it can be a very long term.
The average user is best off using Windows defaults,leaving Windows special files alone and let it do it's thing.Users have the option to Analyze(always recommended by me),View a Report, Defrag or Cancel.
Piriform DEFRAGGLER is the type of defrag program needed by those with more specialized needs and more advanced knowledge of the PC.It is small, fast and easy to use but requires a little more knowledge to take advantage of it's various options.It is still evolving in it's development.
This best things that can be said for Defraggler can be found "searching" Piriform forums.Especially Posts and Replies by those who have used many different "defrag" products.
These defragment programs fill the needs of those with very specialized needs.They also tend to include more advanced disk optimization stategies.This includes those users with complex systems and/or large volumes of data.
Some of these products are free.Some free products out perform commercial products.
Arguments can be made for the use or non-use of each.It really depends on the users needs.
Personally I am LEVEL #1 user most of the time,Level #2 user some of the time,and Level #3 user rarely.
What level Degragger are you?
Best Regards,