I was wondering where this Wilson WindowWare comes from since I've never installed it myself. I viewed the info on their website however that didn't explain as to how it's on my system, unless of course Microsoft uses it as a needed Windows file.
I dont know what it is, but if you want, I can try come up with some bogus information about it such as "wbdbr32i.dll" must stand for "WeB DataBase Release 32 (International).dll) (dynamic link library), and assume its a spyware and very bad.
it doesnt. when people put 32 on their dlls, it normally means it's for 32-bit systems(like windows). and i regularly means Inel such as i386(which is the first proccessor to allow virtual memory[i think]). maybe they ran out of room for the name of the dll or something
as for the dll, it seems that you installed some program that silently installed WinBatch or just the dll
That was the first thing I did, and was the only reason I even found their website.
I dont know what it is, but if you want, I can try come up with some bogus information about it such as "wbdbr32i.dll" must stand for "WeB DataBase Release 32 (International).dll) (dynamic link library), and assume its a spyware and very bad.
It's probably nothing to worry about, since the file creation date is December 02, 2003 when my PC was being built, therefore it came on my system from the Dell factory. I must have used some software that activated the .dll and registered it, or something.