Occasionally I would like to download music from YouTube. What would be the best application to accomplish this with?
Thanks for your time.
Occasionally I would like to download music from YouTube. What would be the best application to accomplish this with?
Thanks for your time.
There's a firefox addon called Youtube2Mp3 you may wish to check out. There's also a website with the same name
Honestly, I just use Realplayer (probably the ONLY thing it's good for these days) it has a save flashvideo feature + a conversion to many different formats (including MP3) feature
I use Freemake Video Downloader myself for obtaining YouTube stuff, it can either download the whole video, convert it to another video format, or just convert it to an MP3.
There's a firefox addon called Youtube2Mp3 you may wish to check out. There's also a website with the same name
Thanks, I will be checking this out.
I use Freemake Video Downloader myself for obtaining YouTube stuff, it can either download the whole video, convert it to another video format, or just convert it to an MP3.
I downloaded this program and it works great, tyvm!
I normally get the youtube file by loading the video and then grabbing it from the temp folder. If you want a software(converter not included I think), then you can try Stream Transport(http://www.streamtransport.com/). Apart from YouTube-like videos that creates a cached file as you load video, this software can also download videos that do not create a cache, even encrypted ones. Protocols supported are HTTP, RTMP, RTMPT, RTMPE, RTMPTE, etc.
I downloaded this program and it works great, tyvm!
I like it because I can download the MP4 video extension which plays right from a USB Thumb Drive on my PS3.
Another possibility is simple installing the safari webbrowser. hm let me think... I dont remember how, forgot it unfortunately, since I use save2pc, the free version works for youtube only, but hell its free so you cant complain^^ There was a video on youtube that showed you how to do that under safari, quite easy once you get used to it. Some people claimed it works for other streaming sites to(safari?s method), my fazit is: in none it did at least the ones i tested(4 alternative streaming sites at least), but in youtube it definitely works. 2 methods i learned for doing this.