What is the advantage of sysinternals defrag?

I have XP and 68GB of free space. I defrag once or twice a month. Should I install sysinternals?

I hate to seem dumb but sysinternals is as far as I know :blink: is not a app but a company who make apps. Am I right or just dumb B)

I meant Systernals PageDefrag. It's freeware!

In that case yes, I've been using PageDefrag for quite a while now and it is quick & effective in Defragmenting files which windows defrag cant defrag.

OH, I see. Thank You! Off to work (6:25am in Pennsylvania).

I did a quick search for sysinternals defrag, it appears that it was intended for Win NT and 2K. They do have a program called PageDefrag, though, that defrags files standard defragmenters don't, like paging files and registry hives. It does work on XP, and it can be set up to operate automatically. They claim it can significantly improve perfomance. It might be worth a look. <edit> And by the time I enter this reply, it's old news. Oh,well...

After I run the Window disk defrag program PageDefrag no longer shows any fragments.

After I run the Window disk defrag program PageDefrag no longer shows any fragments.

I set windows to Clear the Windows Paging File at Shutdown.

If you do this then there is no need to defrag the page file. Because every time you restart your computer your page file is blank.

At least that is my assumption.

I set windows to Clear the Windows Paging File at Shutdown.

If you do this then there is no need to defrag the page file. Because every time you restart your computer your page file is blank.

PageDefrag has never showed more than 1 file fragment for pagefile.sys on my system, don't know why.

Hmm, just looked in PageDefrag and noticed some new entries in "Windows\System32\Config" called ACEEvent.evt (don't know), Antiviru.evt (don't know), and Antivirus.evt (left over from me trying avast and it giving two false positives).