What is it doing?

This is to "move" the captioned posting from the general Defraggler forum to this one.

Reported issues are as follows:

1) Sequential defragmenting results in distorted pattern on second drive. When the operation is repeated on the second drive directly, the defragmentation pattern cleans up. On this same general subject, realized that a repeat defragment on the same drive without restarting the program results in a distorted operation. Closing and restarting the program resolves the odd behavior. If I had to guess, there is an issue with housekeeping cleanup after one operation leading into a second. This suggests that as workaround until known good, Defraggler needs to be used as a one-shot defragmenter and then restarted before next operation.

2) The time-to-complete projection on a half-full WD 4TB USB drive (tried for grins) initially is maybe several hours. Defraggler runs for a while, then bumps the time-to-complete to ">1day", and keeps chugging along forever with that projection. As a casual comparison, then tried AusLogics free defragmenter on the same drive. It projected maybe several hours to complete, then chugged along to completion as projected. Don't know if the operations were essentially the same, or the related quality and thoroughness to the extent they enter into the picture, but seems like reasonable behavior by the other program.

Am on a Dell laptop running updated Win 7 32-bit.



Further to above, the following is a log file that accompanies screen captures for each pass component graphically illustrating the descriptions, some dozen files in all. I attempted to upload them here but after the first two the forum page stopped working. They are ~120KB each, and the forum page says total allowed file size is 1.7MB. If someone at Piriform wishes to contact me by e-mail, I can zip the set and send them as an attachment. There definitely appear to be basic and repeatable issues with Defraggler, and the data set is offered as a contribution by an interested user in your community if/as helpful.


Defraggler 2.22.995, Win 7 32-bit, Garmin Nuvi 2460 successive passes:

1. Fresh program start, run to done, direct.

2a. Rerun same drive in progress from 1. drive state - collapsing all.

2b. Rerun same drive still in progress - expanding out.

2c. Rerun same drive still in progress - collapsing all.

2d. Rerun same drive still in progress, expanding out.  Clicked "Stop"

    to interrupt, status transitioned to "Defrag Complete" (not aborted).

3a. Fresh program start from 2d. drive state.

3b. Run same drive still in progress - collapsing all.

3c. Run same drive still in progress, expanding out.  Clicked "Stop"

    to interrupt, status transitioned to "Defrag Complete" (not aborted).


1. Nuvi is in off-line mode, allowing external dedicated access by PC via USB

to device file system - foreground device functions not active that I know.

2. I did not clock event durations.

3. I was expecting that pass 3 was going to run to successful conclusion after

restarting Defraggler.  It did not, but rather went back into some kind of loop.

4. I realize after demand-stopping the defrag operation, the Status is Defrag

Complete. Is the exit status the same regardless whether the defrag operation

completes successfully or is terminated early (read: aborted) by the user??

5. The Nuvi was chkdsk'd and no problems were reported.


