What is "Complete Cleaning"/

I just gave in and upgraded to Windows 10 ugh. Am trying to figure out how to get rid of some of the tons of bloatware. Checking out CC Cleaner and looking at the differences between the free version and the Pro version. First thing that came up was "Complete Cleaning". What does that really mean?

According to the developers, complete cleaning refers to the ability to clean multiple users at once, or clean another user's account without signing in to that user (granting that the running user has admin privileges)

12 hours ago, LisaK said:
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		 Am trying to figure out how to get rid of some of the tons of bloatware.

CCleaner will remove junk such as temporary files, logfiles, Browser caches, etc. But it isn't a tool for removing bloatware.

For that I would recommend the free AdwCleaner from Malwarebytes, that doesn't remove junk files like CCleaner does - ADW removes Bloatware/Adware.

The latest versions will even remove bloat that came pre-installed on your computer.

Like any other removal application use it carefully. (And to be doubly sure make an image of your system first, just in case you remove something you shouldn't).


I want to wipe my drive C. I checked 35 wipes. I checked entire drive (all data will be removed). But I can't check the box next to drive c. what should i do.

CCleaner will not let you wipe the entire drive for drive C, for a very good reason.

Drive C is where the Windows operating system is installed.

If you wipe it entirely then you have no Windows and your machine is as much use as a brick. (It's called 'bricking your machine').