What files does CCleaner delete when....

I've read the Quickie CCleaner FAQ, and the registry information thread, and read through the 'Using CCleaner web site, but

I can't seem to find an answer to my question.

I've used CCleaner for a few years now, but always with the default settings...but I'm curious about...

When using the 'cleaner' mode, what files does CCleaner clean on the 'Applications' tab?

I understand the the ones like browser cache, history, cookies, etc...but what files are deleted for Applications...

for example Adobe Reader, or Nero Burning ROM, or under Internet...Bit Torrent, uTorrent, or under Multimedia...

Quicktime player, Windows media player, or under Utilities....WinRAR, windows defender, or under Windows...MS wordpad,

RegEdit. When clicking any of those boxes, what will CCleaner be deleting? Does it delete just known junk files, and not

anything important? It doesn't delete the program itself, right?


. . . delete just known junk files, and not anything important? It doesn't delete the program itself, right?

Yes. You presume correctly. :)

It deletes junk files associated with the program.

Remember, you can always right click on an entry and analyze it to see what it cleans without deleting anything :)

you can always right click on an entry and analyze it to see what it cleans without deleting anything

This works well with cleaning routines that remove physical junk files, however it won't show anything if there's registry MRU's to be cleaned.

That is true.

Well the Quickie CCleaner FAQ does mention how to get the embedded scripts, so you can see for yourself what any option you'd like cleans, both file and registry.

I tried to repair my registry errors using ccleaner with success only to find that all the errors were back when I rebooted. I have VISTA sp2 and can only access my computer thru SAFE MODE. I repeated this process many times with the same result. I look at C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG and all the registry hive files have not changed in size or date. Can anybody tell me what files are being changed by ccleaner when it tells me it fixed all the errors?

I tried to repair my registry errors using ccleaner with success only to find that all the errors were back when I rebooted. I have VISTA sp2 and can only access my computer thru SAFE MODE. I repeated this process many times with the same result. I look at C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\CONFIG and all the registry hive files have not changed in size or date. Can anybody tell me what files are being changed by ccleaner when it tells me it fixed all the errors?

You're going to need to open your own thread for this.