My daughter is working for two months in Namibia and the least expensive internet access she could find was 3g. I would guess it is less dangerous than WiFi but is she still prone to sniffing? There are a few details that she had to check on her checking account back in the States and may have to again. What are the risks? Thank you!
There should not be any (more) risks (than anyother banking by internet) as long as the bank has a proper SSl set-up, which unless they are a fly-by-night operation (Fred's Bank) they should be fine.
I see that you also appear to have posted here as well: ->
- If you use Firefox instead of IE, you will be safer because IE uses dangerous active-X technology which is prone to malicious scripting/exploits.
- If you have an already existing keylogger/remote access trojan/rootkit on your computer, it could be dangerous no matter what network you get on to bank.
Read here: ->
I always visit the bank in person. I never bank online. The dangers of running on a system that you don't know for sure is secure/uncompromised is too great.
Additionally, there are people who share their network so they can packet scan/capture data to steal from users who connect. This may not affect a lot of people, but if it happens to you, you will definitely never forget it.
If you feel your account has been compromised, or may have been, consult with your banking official in person to see what you can do to secure your account & lock it down.