Western Digital Razer Obsolete Software Key.

Hi Folks,

I'm new here (so apologies if I have posted this in the wrong section) and I'm hoping to gain some assistance - I use CCleaner on my personal computer and I have an issue with an Obsolete Software Key from Western Digital Razer - please see screenshot.

When I Open Regedit and delete this registry entry and re-run CCleaner, it disappears. HOWEVER, if I close down Western Digital Dashboard.exe and re-open it OR I restart my computer, it re-appears. I have tried doing a search on this particular regedit key but I cannot find any useful information. Anything insightful would be of help (If you do suggest something, can you please make sure you have steps to undo it, if you are not 100% certain on the outcome).

Many thanks for your time.

western digital razer.PNG

It's not unusual for files to come back straight after cleaning. (See the link in my signature below this post).

Registry entries can also get recreated if you delete them.

From what you have said CCleaner is removing the registry entry, but then it's being put back again when you run the WD Dashboard or restart your computer.

Which tells you that both the WD Dashboard and Windows think it should be there for the WD Dashboard to work, even if CCleaner doesn't, so they just keep putting it back if you remove it.

In other words it's most likely a false positive from CCleaner's Registry Cleaner.

In fact because the registry changes so often we now recommend that you don't regularly use the Registry Cleaner with Windows 10, only use it if you are trying to fix a specific problem.

For the official Piriform advice on using the Registry Cleaner see this: <a href="<___base_url___>/topic/59952-i-get-a-registry-error-on-ccleaner-on-windows-10-i-have-scanned-5-times/?tab=comments#comment-326804" ipsnoembed="true" rel="">https://community.ccleaner.com/topic/59952-i-get-a-registry-error-on-ccleaner-on-windows-10-i-have-scanned-5-times/?tab=comments#comment-326804</a>

Here is Microsoft's stance on using any Registry Cleaner (ie. don't):


So if you do still use the Registry Cleaner after reading the above then just ignore that entry, or right click on it in results and 'Add to exclude list' so that CCleaner will ignore it from then on.