We should help Science

Yeah yeah, "help science", it doesn't work.

But it does! Folding@Home recently discovered a protein that may stop Alzheimers to grow. Isn't that just fantastic? And its thanks to 5 Petaflops they have in supercomputing. And if more decides to join, even more discoveries can be made. So please folks, we start a Piriform team and grows to one of the greatest teams?

Piriform is one of the best free softwares companies ever made. Now we shall give them an ever better reputation.



Thanks for reading :)

Folding@Home recently discovered a protein that may stop Alzheimers to grow.

It's a nice discovery, however I wonder how long it will be put into any practical use and if the average uninsured folk could even afford the "supposed cure" or even be offered it.

Yeah, now its up to the medical researchers, Folding@Home's mission was to find the protein :)

Someone who would like to join? :rolleyes:



The teampage at Stanford. If you want to join, then join :) I'll try to give at least 1000p per day. But need to take a break from current team...

Well, if admin want pass, info and stuff then conact me and I give ya :D I see that acc as yours ;)

I think PS3 has folding at home built into it... If I had one I would let it do it.

Send me a PS3 to help science Sony! :D

Haha lol :P

I think PS3 has folding at home built into it... If I had one I would let it do it.

Send me a PS3 to help science Sony! :D

It does, and it has to be manually enabled.

Just email Sony and see what they say, if they say yes don't forget to tell them about me needing a secondary backup PS3. :lol: Statistically the PS3 is supposedly doing well with it.

Anyone might want to join? ;)

Can't Piriform advertise this at their products? Use a small sign in creds our something? :P

Haha, seems empty in this team... No one? :)

Just start FAH as a service and you will never notice when it's on :) It starts right after you have turned on your computer and will not give you a notice or a slow start :)

I would join, but I've been folding for MaximumPC and have over two hundred thousand points with them. Here are my stats --> http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/use...s=&u=343106 Currently the team is ranked third in the world. And I didn't "join their bandwagon," because I've been an active subscriber to their magazine for a few years now, and joined their forums a few months ago. If I knew a lot of people would join, then I'd switch, but for now I'll stay on Team 11108.


I would join, but I've been folding for MaximumPC and have over two hundred thousand points with them. Here are my stats --> http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/use...s=&u=343106 Currently the team is ranked third in the world. And I didn't "join their bandwagon," because I've been an active subscriber to their magazine for a few years now, and joined their forums a few months ago. If I knew a lot of people would join, then I'd switch, but for now I'll stay on Team 11108.


Cool, this is my stats -> http://fah-web.stanford.edu/cgi-bin/main.p...;username=Crozz

I've little more then 200.000 points and if someone wants to join this team, then perhaps I use my CPU or GPU to fold for Piriform :)