I have installed a 1TB Western Digital Caviar Black on my Asus M2A-VM motherboard along with the older Maxtor 80 GB SATA 3 hard drive and Speccy says the WD is running at 10,000 rpm and only has 16 MB of cache. The unit specced to be 7200 rpm and a 64 MB cache. The motherboard is running this SATA 6 at SATA 3 due to it being an older, non SATA 6 capable board. The WD Caviar Black is my boot disk. Any suggestions?
I have the exact problem only my MB does support 6GB/s. Help Speccy!!! WD1002FAEX
Can you please PM me your .speccy files?
I have 3 Caviar Blacks sata2 drives on my system. Speccy sees the 2 internal drives correctly (7200rpm and 32MB cache)but sees the 3rd drive in an external drive enclosure connected esata as (5400rpm and 2MB cache). All drives are 640g and 2 and 3 are clones of the boot drive.
Duffyfs Please PM MrRon with your speccy file
Nergal...New to forum...could you explain or link me to procedure for PM and file upload. Thanks
duffyfs, because of the weekend a while may pass before Nergal responds, so I'll share what little I know.
Run Speccy, File, Save as Text file.
Open up your Messenger account page, Compose new, copy and paste contents of that text file.
Type MrRon in Recipient box, type a subject in Subject box.
Send message / Preview message / or Save (send later).
Also, due to the weekend it may be a while before MrRon opens his mail.
I'm just wondering if the HDD enclosure might have something to do with this. I had a different HDD (Hitachi) installed in an external USB enclosure and the USB connector broke. I bought a different brand enclosure and noticed that the drive information reported back to Windows was different. It also acted different when I would "Safely Remove Hardware." That was a while ago so I don't remember the exact differences. Speccy wasn't even involved.
duffyfs, because of the weekend a while may pass before Nergal responds, so I'll share what little I know.
Run Speccy, File, Save as Text file.
Open up your Messenger account page, Compose new, copy and paste contents of that text file.
Type MrRon in Recipient box, type a subject in Subject box.
Send message / Preview message / or Save (send later).
Also, due to the weekend it may be a while before MrRon opens his mail.
LOL Thanks I was in Las Vegas buying a Mixer.
I'm having this same problem with speccy and this drive! I was wondering if this ever got resolved and whether its a problem with speccy not properly recognizing the drive or the drive is actually running at those specs? Thanks for your help.