way to delete a file so that it can't be recovered

My friend have got some photos of mine which i want to delete from her laptop bt even if i delete it permanently, she recovers it using recuva. I jst want to knw a way so that i cn get them deleted permanently, disabling her to recover those photos ever

As she is recovering the photos I assume she want's to keep them, so as it's her laptop I don't think that it would be correct to advise you any further. If you hold the copyright then I suggest that you take legal advice, if asking nicely doesn't get you anywhere.

I agree with Augeas on this one, if you didn't want to them on her machine, you ought not have given her access to them.

Also, not knowing your friend's situation, I will say given infinite time and money all non-physically-destroyed, magnetic media can have it's data restored.