Do not delete. Setup requires this Identifier even if your script doesn't use it. - C:\WINDOWS\zy_temp\Do not delete. Setup requires this Identifier even if your script doesn't use it.
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Do not delete. Setup requires this Identifier even if your script doesn't use it.
In folder C:\WINDOWS\zy_temp I have some files (cat; inf; sys) which seem to belong to my ZyXEL-USB-Modem.
What I have to do? Delete or not delete, that is the question.
I am guessing if it says do not delete setup requires you probably shouldn't delete it. But I have no expertise in the matter so you're guess is as good as mine.
Do not delete. Setup requires this Identifier even if your script doesn't use it. - C:\WINDOWS\zy_temp\Do not delete. Setup requires this Identifier even if your script doesn't use it.
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\Do not delete. Setup requires this Identifier even if your script doesn't use it.
In folder C:\WINDOWS\zy_temp I have some files (cat; inf; sys) which seem to belong to my ZyXEL-USB-Modem.
What I have to do? Delete or not delete, that is the question.
Hi Peter,
I have not seen many messages during Registry "analysis". First rules in computers say "When in doubt,leave it alone".
Learning from others peoples mistakes tells me to leave it alone. Especially when you are getting this message.
You are wise to ask about this. Some "malware" will put misleading messages also .