Just have installed VMware Server 1.0.4. Its Free. It was recommended some time ago by Humpty. Thanks, Humpty, it's great. Running on WXP in the VM right now.
It is at:
There is also a version 2 beta, free, but I haven't used it, and now a ver. 3 beta.
Haven't had ver. 1.0.4 long, but here is some info. May be something that everyone already knows, but if not it is worth a look.
VMware installs right in on a windows xp home operating system. MS Virtual PC 2007 will not. It requires WXP pro. I tried it. Those using WXP Home OEM which came preinstalled won't be able to use Microsoft VPC 2007.
Easy to install.
Easy to configure as you install it. You don't have to partition the HD.
The vm you create is actually a folder visible in windows explorer.
Easy to understand menus once it is installed.
Allows the use of external USB devices. My usb2 external responds as fast in the virtual machine as it does in the host.
You can create and run as many guest operating systems as your memory will support.
Supports a big variety of guest OSs. MS VPC literature seems to say that it won't support an OS which is not supported by the MS product lifecycle. Don't know that for sure, can't try it.
You need a license for each guest OS.
You can save one snapshot (maybe more, haven't tried it yet), to restore the VM if something goes blooey.
Supposedly, nasties can not get out of the VM. ?? Wouldn't bet on that, but it is another layer.
I have a fairly fast setup. Here is what I've seen in the way of performance in the virtual machine.
Slows down the operation of your applications a little.
Boots up a bit slowly compared to the host OS.
The mouse and the windows are a bit jerky. Noticeable but not bad.
Takes a long time to find the USB device, maybe 10, 15 seconds, but then the USB runs normally.
You can allocate and later adjust the amount of memory each VM uses, up to a certain point.
You want all the memory you can get. Each guest OS you have running uses however much memory you allocate it, plus the VMWare app itself is kind of heavy.
Sooo. VMware seems to be a good extra layer of security, and a way of trying out applications without gumming up your registry and dll cache. The snapshot puts it back right. I wish I had learned of it long ago, would have just run the VM and so would not now be facing the dreaded reinstall ordeal. Snapshot puts it all back in about 4 minutes.
There is a companion application, VMWare converter, which purports to "clone a physical machine" which will then run on VMWare server. Haven't tried it, don't even know for sure what that means, but will soon. it is at:
I know Hazelnut has used VMWare quite a bit, and several others on this forum. If I have left something out in spite of this deluge of words, maybe one of the other members can fill in the gaps. As I find out more I'll report it.
Till then.