
theres a lot of talk about vlc player these days, yet its trully amazing how many casual users have never heard of it. anyway, 1 comment here on the good player... it generally plays any file type, no matter how corupted it is, but i have one file on my computer where i double click it (vlc is my default video player) and the file opens, but there is no display, only audio. I go up to the settings and video is set to "disable". well i change it back to "track 1" and the display still doesn't show up. Furthermore, the file plays normally in WMP-10, so now i'm crazy confused? any suggestions on a possible cause/solution to this occurance.

Note: so far this has only happened to one file, i believe it was an .avi file.


also, not trying to persuade any one out there not to use it, if you've never used it, GO GET IT RIGHT NOW, BEST VIDEO PLAYER OUT THERE!


I found a thread on VideoLAN's forum that may address this. It recommended:

Please go to your preferences -> video -> output modules and select another output module such as GDI. Restart VLC and try again. Note that you need to enable the advanced-flag to see this option.

The entire thread is here.

There may be other info on the forum, this is just the first I found...

Hope it helps and Good Luck! :)


I tried the above on my computer and it didn't work. Sorry, I should have done that before I posted. I also tried other ideas from the VideoLAN forum but had no luck. Even looked for a free video format converter but only found "free to try."

According to their forum, it may be a video card issue such as not enough memory or not supporting overlays. Maybe someone else has a solution.

Thankx for your help Mike, but i'm fairly sure the video that forum was talking about was likely a corrupted file, since he states that it crashed other media players. My problem has only been with one file, and it works perfectly fine on all the other media players i have. I'll be honest, I havn't really sat down and played with this for any length of time, maybe i'll try the changes the forum and you suggested and go from there. its still the best player i've ever used!

thankx again

Besure that you are using the very latest version.



VLC is a cross-platform open-source media player that can play pretty much anything.

lol the K-Lite codec pack owns VLC because with it, i can play even more formats with Media Player Classic, and basically any other media player

lol the K-Lite codec pack owns VLC because with it, i can play even more formats with Media Player Classic, and basically any other media player

lol with vlc I didnt have to fool with the outdated media player classic or the bloated klite codec pack.

outdated? the latest version released this year. and it really doesnt matter if it is because with codecs, it can play anything ;)

Do you know what media player that Media Player Classic is based on? Anyway, why download a program and a bunch of codecs when you can download one program that plays them all?

it's based on WMP however i doubt it uses anything of WMP. infact it's a clean rewrite

and VLC requires plugins to play the files(i read that somewhere)

oh and on another note, i like the K-Lite Mega Codec pack beacuse it has ffdshow which is something that i really need :)

If I had VLC, then would that mean I could get rid of Quicktime Alternative and Real Alternative, both of which I downloaded after reading about them on Tarun's old site.

If I had VLC, then would that mean I could get rid of Quicktime Alternative and Real Alternative, both of which I downloaded after reading about them on Tarun's old site.



and VLC requires plugins to play the files(i read that somewhere)

I have tried to play just about every format with vlc and it has worked perfectly. I have never downloaded any plug ins and don't even see any plug ins listed on the web site. Have you even ever used VLC before?

I have tried to play just about every format with vlc and it has worked perfectly. I have never downloaded any plug ins and don't even see any plug ins listed on the web site. Have you even ever used VLC before?

likewise, thats the best part about vlc, you don't need any of the extra crap, its just install and go, no codecs, no fuss.