Vista blocked CCleaner


I discovered recently this marvelous tool thanks to one of my students.

I put it in all my computers with the option "Run CCleaner when the computer starts".

Is there any way to avoid the UAC from Vista?

Or we have to wait to the Permission of Bit Defender in a near future?

Now, Bit Defender says "without classification".

Thank you by advance.

Hi bibi_lolo, welcome to the forum.

This post may help.


thank you for your very quick answer.

Sorry to post such a topic, but I have been looking for old post on Vista start problem and I didn't find anything.

If I search in CCleaner Discussion, for the date 29-12-08, the post you gave me doesn?t appear... I don?t know why...

Thank you and Bye


thank you for your very quick answer.

Sorry to post such a topic, but I have been looking for old post on Vista start problem and I didn't find anything.

If I search in CCleaner Discussion, for the date 29-12-08, the post you gave me doesn?t appear... I don?t know why...

Thank you and Bye

Click here to read the post.

Thank you, now it's OK