im a pc repairer, and sometime i foud virus that dont allow to start installation of CCleaner. once the virus are removed its possible to install CCleaner w/o any problems. what are these virus? have someone made a list of CCleaner virus/spyware enemies?
The behavior its the follow: when i click on CCleaner installer the first windows of CCleaner install appears for milliseconds and after it desappear.
In more, why viruses etc block CCleaner install? CCleaner dont work on viruses, it clean caches, temp history and more, but it is not an antivirus or similar
im a pc repairer, and sometime i foud virus that dont allow to start installation of CCleaner. once the virus are removed its possible to install CCleaner w/o any problems. what are these virus? have someone made a list of CCleaner virus/spyware enemies?
The behavior its the follow: when i click on CCleaner installer the first windows of CCleaner install appears for milliseconds and after it desappear.
In more, why viruses etc block CCleaner install? CCleaner dont work on viruses, it clean caches, temp history and more, but it is not an antivirus or similar
Hi nodnolse2,
Welcome to the forums.
We appreciate your information very, very much.
Your input provides us with real life reports from people that repair PC systems for others.
CCleaner and many anti-virus programs are the enemies of malware program authors.
They will do their best to prevent these programs from being installed or executed.
Sometimes it is still possible to install or execute these programs if you "Rename" them by adding a letter or two to the program name.
We advise our members to install anti-malware programs to their PCs before they get infected. This makes it easier to find and remove the "Bad Guy" programs.
CCleaner is used by many Anti-malware specialists to flush away the junk and in some cases to overwrite the spyware/malware junk.
You are correct. CCleaner is not a malware removal tool itself.
Again, thank you for the useful information. This helps many new PC users.
In more, why viruses etc block CCleaner install? CCleaner dont work on viruses, it clean caches, temp history and more, but it is not an antivirus or similar
Although CC isn't an anti-malware software it may be because of where malware stores files, i.e.; in temp folders or temporary internet files. Since CC will delete all that junk that may be why it's targeted.
In any event if common folk knew much more about freeware security software the issue with malware could be greatly reduced.
I believe if PC manufacturers themselves would step up in the fight upon malware and if they'd just strike a deal with either; AVG Free Antivirus, AntiVir Free Antivirus, Avast Free Antivirus, Ad-Aware Free, Spybot-S&D, SUPERAntiSpyware Free, etc., (the list goes on and on) to have full free protection legally licensed and pre-installed without gimmicky trial protection software that far less issues would arise hence people spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on a new PC only to have some pricey antivirus app stop working in 14-90 days. How many people new to computers are going to realize a critical protection software being inactive can cause such grief.
Your input provides us with real life reports from people that repair PC systems for others.
CCleaner and many anti-virus programs are the enemies of malware program authors.
They will do their best to prevent these programs from being installed or executed.
Sometimes it is still possible to install or execute these programs if you "Rename" them by adding a letter or two to the program name.
We advise our members to install anti-malware programs to their PCs before they get infected. This makes it easier to find and remove the "Bad Guy" programs.
CCleaner is used by many Anti-malware specialists to flush away the junk and in some cases to overwrite the spyware/malware junk.
You are correct. CCleaner is not a malware removal tool itself.
Again, thank you for the useful information. This helps many new PC users.
I have a stupid idea, If every realese of CCleaner (that it appens very often), CCleaner should have a different DNA, internal file names etc. Like the backdoor programs, keystroke loggers. In this case, malwares has to be very updates to block Cclener. I know that it is a stupid idea, but if the viruses block us, I think we can do the same on theme in some manner.
I would like inform about a CCleaner goal.
Some week a go I had a problem with a Symantec product. No way to solve the problem by phone, then Symantec has remotely accessed (with my permit) to the computer. They thecnic was unable to fix the problem, but i knew it before to start the remote assistence. The funny thing is that during his remote work they have installed CCleaner on the computer in my lab. I think it is a great news to be a tool used/interesting to Symantec tecnichians. I imagine that they have a corporate licence or that they made a big donation to CCleaner to use it on remote in front to the end user.
Some week a go I had a problem with a Symantec product. No way to solve the problem by phone, then Symantec has remotely accessed (with my permit) to the computer. They thecnic was unable to fix the problem, but i knew it before to start the remote assistence. The funny thing is that during his remote work they have installed CCleaner on the computer in my lab. I think it is a great news to be a tool used/interesting to Symantec tecnichians. I imagine that they have a corporate licence or that they made a big donation to CCleaner to use it on remote in front to the end user.
Some products like CCleaner have a very good reputation with the "best" of technicians.
It is nice to hear your interesting little story as evidence of this.
It is surprising how many "bad guy" programs go after CCleaner and it is not really an anti-virus/anti-malware type program at all.
It is however very thorough in it's ability to be a SAFE, RELIABLE, and EASY TO USE cleaning tool.